Is she ready to harvest?

Hi all, first time grower here so I’m just looking for some opinions. This girl is a NL Auto from RQS. She started week 15 on Thursday but had a very slow and poor start to life, long story. Growing under a 400w hps in a mixture of John Innes and perlite with a clay pebble base. Being fed Coco A+B - another story. Basically I pieced together a setup as I was changing my arm to see if I could get something going.
The main plant pic is from 5 days ago, the colas are leaning much more now, the trichomes are from this morning.
This definitely needs more time, those photos show clear, milky, and undeveloped trichomes. I do not see any amber trichomes those photos, I would wait till you see roughly 30% amber.
Agree with @ryangrovebags give her a few days, see more amber trichomes. So gorgeous, looking forward to the harvest!