Indoor Is FFOF too "hot" or what?!?!

Mar 16, 2012
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Ok so I'm a little frustrated, more so unsure at this point. I currently have 6 Purple Ryder seeds germinating in wet paper towels. They should be ready to plant in 24hrs and my intention was to drop them directly in 3 gallons of Fox Farm OF soil. Then i was told by people that its too hot for seedlings. I figured this was a lot of hear say (people who've heard this but never actually tried it) so i did some research and its about 50/50, some people say too hot (probably a lot of hear say), some say theyve never ever had a problem.

So who hear has ACTUALLY used FFOF for seedlings and how did it go. My only option if need be now is to grab some miracle grow seedling mix and start them in solo cups if need be. I wanted to avoid having to tranfer b/c i hear auto dont like that. So whats the deal peeps?
If there is that much controversy about it, you would just be better off not doing it man. I'm telling you, it's too hot almost all the time. You don't wanna find this out later as it will be too late. Also I wouldn't use any MG products. They are recommended to steer away from for the same reasons. I am assuming even their seed starting mix has nutes in it which is not what you want.

If you use the tier method that I already told you about you will be just fine going into the FFOF after they have started in something else for 3 weeks. That way you aren't wasting your FFOF, you'll just need enough nuteless starter mix to fill smaller cups, like 18oz party cups, tons of us use them and with great success. If you tier correctly then there is virtually no stress on the AF because yes, you're right on that, they don't like transplants but the tier barely. Look for FF Light Warrior or some other seedling mix besides MG.

Also, use that search bar mate. Look at other threads that use FFOF and see how they do it. Good luck.
Ok well I dont have time to order light warrior mix, so its either the seedling go straight into FFOF or miracle grow seedling mix??
Check my grow that is the soil I used, and yes it is to hot.....if I was you I would mix with some light warrior about 50/50....also I don't like to transplant I like to start in the pot I finish in(not saying its wrong)..also I would stay away from miracle grow just personal pref....but to answer your question yes it usually is to hot for autos....I would reccomend u mixing......hope this helps bro
How are those two mixes the only two available to you? Surely if you have a nearby shop that sells FF products(unless you ordered this) and MG products they will have something else that is better to use. You're wasting your time putting those seeds in the OF, trust us.
Yes I ordered the FFOF. Home depot or lowes is my options right now. What MG product would be the best for seedling?
Take All MG products out of the equation. They don't exist.

Look for something that is mostly sphaghum peat moss, perlite and/or vermiculite, lime and maybe some mico-fungi. NO NUTRIENTS. I also have Lowes and HD and I know that they have something. Several places have smaller bags of seedling mix that includes just what I listed. It is considered 'soil-less' since there is no actual soil in it. This stuff is great though. A ton of people here use what is known as Promix and it has almost the exact same ingredients. I am going to just make my own mix by buying the three basic ingredients>>>Sphaghum peat moss, perlite, and lime. The ratios of each you can find all over the net. Go take a look around. Hope this helped.
Lowes and HD will have something...I know Lowes has something called jungle wise...there are tons of stuff other than mg to mix your ffof with...I'm goin sunshine mix next...hope this helps bro.....
Take All MG products out of the equation. They don't exist.

Look for something that is mostly sphaghum peat moss, perlite and/or vermiculite, lime and maybe some mico-fungi. NO NUTRIENTS. I also have Lowes and HD and I know that they have something. Several places have smaller bags of seedling mix that includes just what I listed. It is considered 'soil-less' since there is no actual soil in it. This stuff is great though. A ton of people here use what is known as Promix and it has almost the exact same ingredients. I am going to just make my own mix by buying the three basic ingredients>>>Sphaghum peat moss, perlite, and lime. The ratios of each you can find all over the net. Go take a look around. Hope this helped.

Nice post squid good info bro.
Thanks lowcast. I try to be a big help when I can.