Grow Room Is 300g obtainable with my setup?

May 17, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Nicole hash
Hello guys from AF forum, I'm a newcomer here as a member and a grower.
I've been researching a lot throught forums to start my own first grow.

I'll run 6 plants on 11L fabric pots with organic soil mix + 30% perlite (4 from mephisto genetics and 2 auto glueberry OG from DP), under 300W clu-1212 COBS (running on 250w)
I have advanced nutrients stuff (voodoo, sensi bloom A+B, big bud, bud candy, overdrive, b-52, calmag, flush).
The grow area will be like 3,6x2,6x5,2 (1,1m x0,8m x1,6m).
My goal is to achieve 300g yeld with those plants and my question is: do you think that it's possbible? Considering it's my 1st grow (but I've been studying a lot).
Any advices for highest yields? I'll be fimming my plants and training them.
I aprreciate all help, and apologize for mispelling since english is not my main language!

Thank you all!
Hello and welcome to AFN. 300g is very possible. In my first run 15L pots with advanced nutes I ran 4 plants under Autocobs 210 watts total. From the 3 plants I got 220g as the 4th I ran into some issues so didn't make it to finish.
Just to give you an idea of what 4 plants look like in a 4ft x 4ft tent. It can get quite the jungle in there.
Wow nice bro, thanks for the advice, I'll be starting my grow on the end of june and I'm considering making a grow diary on the forum! I'm considering to change to 15L pots, but I think It will be too much for my space. Wich strains were you running?
Wow nice bro, thanks for the advice, I'll be starting my grow on the end of june and I'm considering making a grow diary on the forum! I'm considering to change to 15L pots, but I think It will be too much for my space. Wich strains were you running?
I ran Dutch Passion Glueberry O.G. auto, Sweet Seeds Cream Mandarine XL auto, Mephisto Double Grape were the three I harvested.
My goal is to achieve 300g yeld with those plants and my question is: do you think that it's possbible? Considering it's my 1st grow (but I've been studying a lot).

Totally attainable. Study, read, ask questions.
Check out @Equatorial 's first grow.
Still don't know his final yield, but it'll be well over 300g.
He also ran 6 plants, but in bigger pots IIRC.
You can learn a lot from his journal on great result from first grow.
You mean 300g each or 300 from all 6? Both are possible. You do have the set up for both.
Hello guys from AF forum, I'm a newcomer here as a member and a grower.
I've been researching a lot throught forums to start my own first grow.

I'll run 6 plants on 11L fabric pots with organic soil mix + 30% perlite (4 from mephisto genetics and 2 auto glueberry OG from DP), under 300W clu-1212 COBS (running on 250w)
I have advanced nutrients stuff (voodoo, sensi bloom A+B, big bud, bud candy, overdrive, b-52, calmag, flush).
The grow area will be like 3,6x2,6x5,2 (1,1m x0,8m x1,6m).
My goal is to achieve 300g yeld with those plants and my question is: do you think that it's possbible? Considering it's my 1st grow (but I've been studying a lot).
Any advices for highest yields? I'll be fimming my plants and training them.
I aprreciate all help, and apologize for mispelling since english is not my main language!

Thank you all!

As for FIMming your plants, LSTing or whatever, definitely check other grows on the same strains.
Because not all plants respond the same way, some are better to FIM / LST, others not.