I understand your point, no argument. However, they got their information from where we all got it..... now you know why I'm the myth buster. Anytime there is a lack of information, the void gets filled with made up bullshit. And without anything to use to dispute it, the bullshit gets accepted as the facts.

Have you asked for a refund and told them why? The direct course is usually the simplest.

I have six carts you can have @pop22

It could be anything, I could have a bug. I don’t deny that at all. I also could have aggravated my lungs another way and this was just the straw that broke the camels back.

What my issue is is that this vendor took the product that I bought of the market a week after I purchased it. I got an ounce of flavor less liquify and I got a sampler of the flavored liquify that was a pick four deal.

I’m going to take some time today and try to use the way back web machine. Where @MassTerpenes says vitamin E is actually good for you to vape. Seems pretty irresponsible to do without any proof.

I know most of you guys got the SerVm from them that is still available online but I am speaking of a product called specifically Deluent (free)and the Liquefy.

I don’t bitch and would never call and demand a refund but in this case since they are a sponsored vendor it seems like a god spot to call on them to replace the product. Regardless of my correct or incorrect assumption of what may have caused my issue I don’t feel comfortable using what they have discontinued. So I will be losing $100 in purchased product and about 8 grams of RSO and the time and material to make it. To ask that they send the same amount in their retail price of the product that they feel is safe to cover that would be less than $50 there cost.

And the right thing to do.

I have recently purchased from Megabuds and although not a vendor Wicked Pissah seeds to show support for our community. Not because I have to but because it makes sense. It’s the same reason I’ll buy from Mephisto before seedsman. It’s the right things to do.

I know I said I was done with this discussion so I don’t want to argue with anyone. But let’s not take the same reckless approach they did by saying just because it doesn’t effect XYZ then it must be ok. People have been vaping with VG PG and PEG with known side effects so now we get companies randomly creating their own new viscous fluids from who knows what and making wild claims and because they say they don’t contain PEG then they must be good for you. My guess is that the Deluent from these guys is simply mineral oil and vitamin E. Liquefy might not be far off. And since they all work under the “proprietary” cloak they can pretend it’s not in there best interest to tell you. I call BS. This isn’t DOW chemical with some super secret formula that they created in a lab. Seems like a bunch of weekend mixologists playing guinea pig with the public.

Sorry the product was called Pure Diluent that was free. Obviously the page is down but the browsers still have the descriptions somewhat
“Profound anti oxidant properties when inhaled “

I would have to search work computer archives of saved pages to get the actual page. Needless to say it went on to mention the benefits of Vitamin E.


I understand your point, no argument. However, they got their information from where we all got it..... now you know why I'm the myth buster. Anytime there is a lack of information, the void gets filled with made up bullshit. And without anything to use to dispute it, the bullshit gets accepted as the facts.

Have you asked for a refund and told them why? The direct course is usually the simplest.

I’ll send them an email today. I sound like shit so I won’t be calling them right away. Very lucky I only had a little bit. Looks like inhaling lipids is not good. Maybe VG/PG was better.

Sent my first email and got a response that seemed to be headed towards putting the blame on me. But it also could have been that my first email was pretty short due to my current uncomfortable situation.

My reply was then responded to with an offer to send out some SerVm and acknowledging that they are waiting on there suppliers to confirm XYZ regarding health concerns. I applaud them for making my situation better, hopefully. But it does bring to light what is the much bigger concern of what the heck are people just chucking in some of these vape pens.

I suppose if your supplier tells you it’s safe and you are just trying to do your best running a small company then you have to trust them. I know this type of thing happens in this industry from formaldehyde in papers to lead in glass pipes but we need to stay vigilant so that we don’t give the government a reason to tell us we can’t handle it ourselves and they take it away. Then we are guaranteed to be poisoned by them.

@Frenjamin Banklin now I am not saying ya wrong or anything, but did ya go to the Dr. for it, and get the stuff tested to see if that was the cause. I am pretty sure from a company stand point (including the big companies) usually don’t do anything unless it’s a proven fact there product causes it. And not saying that’s all companies either.
I have a pile of car parts that I’ve ordered over the years but because of my own mistake they were wrong I bite the bullet and keep them. I’ve never ordered anything from Amazon and used it for a year then returned it claiming it was not what I wanted just so I can get a new one. That’s not how I live my life.

I am more than happy to move on from this now that it appears they are going to send out some product to make up for the trouble I have been through. I have not been sick in years, I take edibles for pain, but regardless of my own perception of why i am sick. Let’s look at two simple and basic facts about the product that I was shipped to try along with my order.

1. In the original product page it stated that it included vitamin E which unless anyone has been living in a cave the past two weeks is what has been linked to over 200 cases of people being hospitalized nationwide.

2. From my screen shot above you can clearly see that the marketing campaign/ propaganda being touted was “healthy”.

I don’t think I need to go further than that. If you get a recall notice for a bad Takata airbag are going to ignore it because yours hasn’t killed you yet. Or will you just blame it on the person who crashed saying it’s there fault for activating it if it kills them. We shouldn’t have to go through the valuation of life over profit every time a consumer has an issue. If I think it made me sick and I’m not comfortable using that product and it cost me XYZ should that not be enough?

Once again I’d ask. If a gas station gave away free gas and your car died. Was it bad gas or was your car a piece of junk that couldn’t handle it. How these situations are handled determines our paths. Hopefully we all choose the right one.

The following is from my communication with them and I think underlines the sentiment. Very well responded to on there part and I applaud the author. I will happily be trying the SerVm when It comes and documenting the outcome and my interactions with them. Which have gone from negative to positive seeing them stand up for a product that they sold that may have been misrepresented by those they purchased from.

Thank you, it really means a lot. As a small business that has made a name for ourselves solely off of small-batch products and trying to be an informative resource for the community, this really truly has been devastating for us. Myself especially, the owner of this company who started the company while managing a Massachusetts medical dispensary where I was introduced to terpenes and how they are used in the industry. Liquefy and SERVM are products that we spent years perfecting so its really difficult getting lumped into this whole mess by a product introduced by a couple of the largest terpene suppliers in the industry.

We too were informed directly that thickeners were safe from the industry leading suppliers and even the guy who started the very first botanical terpene company in the industry was openly planning to patent the product altogether. You’ve likely seen his videos introducing it. We never once hid the ingredients of thickener products on our site and they were openly available from day 1 as we wanted our customers to be able to make their own informed decision on using it. It’s really hard to see all of this unfold when we are just the little guy trying to keep up with market demands. As for the site changes, we will slowly be bringing back some of our small-batch botanical terpene blends. We’re just trying to be transparent during this time and take things one step at a time.
Sorry the product was called Pure Diluent that was free. Obviously the page is down but the browsers still have the descriptions somewhat
“Profound anti oxidant properties when inhaled “

I would have to search work computer archives of saved pages to get the actual page. Needless to say it went on to mention the benefits of Vitamin E.

View attachment 1100158

I’ll send them an email today. I sound like shit so I won’t be calling them right away. Very lucky I only had a little bit. Looks like inhaling lipids is not good. Maybe VG/PG was better.


I don't think anyone is trying to downplay your situation especially if you're having some health issues that you suspect is coming from the use of the product. I do think it's important to state that until just a VERY recent number of articles/posts about this in the cannabis world, not many people knew that Vitamin E based oils were a suspect in the vape carts, and they haven't even singled that out as the cause yet, it's just the ingredient that popped up in testing that raised eyebrows saying "is this it?" That doesn't mean it's not the culprit, but more research/evidence should be supported before we start making hard cases.

I'm part of several industry groups (dispensary owners, extractors, etc,) and there is a very nervous feeling in all those groups right now because not even THEY, with legitimately tested vape carts made from distillate, can't 100% tell consumers "this is safe" or "OURS is safe." One of the people that was reported sick got his vape cart from an actual dispensary, not some Mario-Kart crap from Amazon. And that's a "tested by a lab" product at that point.

There are in fact benefits to vitamin E, but historically we haven't seen people trying to vaporize this discretely in a vape pen (instead they use it in lotions, hand sanitizers, skin products, etc. Or as a supplement for health.)

Please keep us updated on your correspondence with @MassTerpenes , who I hope we can get on here with an official statement (and I'll e-mail them tonight and see if we can get that statement, so then it's not "he said she said" stuff, ya know?)

I think your posts are a very important part of this (for the community to see and understand,) I just don't want you to feel like we're protecting vendors (which is not the case) or downplaying your situation (also not the case,) but instead just asking "let's get more information and details first." :pighug:
The following is from my communication with them and I think underlines the sentiment. Very well responded to on there part and I applaud the author. I will happily be trying the SerVm when It comes and documenting the outcome and my interactions with them. Which have gone from negative to positive seeing them stand up for a product that they sold that may have been misrepresented by those they purchased from.

Thank you, it really means a lot. As a small business that has made a name for ourselves solely off of small-batch products and trying to be an informative resource for the community, this really truly has been devastating for us. Myself especially, the owner of this company who started the company while managing a Massachusetts medical dispensary where I was introduced to terpenes and how they are used in the industry. Liquefy and SERVM are products that we spent years perfecting so its really difficult getting lumped into this whole mess by a product introduced by a couple of the largest terpene suppliers in the industry.

We too were informed directly that thickeners were safe from the industry leading suppliers and even the guy who started the very first botanical terpene company in the industry was openly planning to patent the product altogether. You’ve likely seen his videos introducing it. We never once hid the ingredients of thickener products on our site and they were openly available from day 1 as we wanted our customers to be able to make their own informed decision on using it. It’s really hard to see all of this unfold when we are just the little guy trying to keep up with market demands. As for the site changes, we will slowly be bringing back some of our small-batch botanical terpene blends. We’re just trying to be transparent during this time and take things one step at a time.

Totally missed this before posting my last post. :hump: lol
Vitamin E is an antioxidant, yes, but having a thick viscous vitamin oil directly inside your lungs is going to drive it into your bloodstream, and Vitamins E and A build up quickly in the liver, you can overdo them taken orally very easily. Side effects are not at all good. All I can say on the vaping issues is that these products are exactly on the same level as any inhalers delivering meds, meaning they should be sterile and as pure and safe as possible.
They are medical devices as they immediately and directly affect your body, and therefore they should be created and sold exactly as if someone intended to use them in a surgical center. I'm not being hyperbolic, bronchitis can become chronic, small cell lung cancer has no cure, emphysema is going to put you on oxygen at very least, eventually...pneumonia strains going around right now are sheer hell.
I bought some nicotine vape from a local small boutique type business last spring, and the curator hand mixed a bottle for me. One week later I was in hospital with severe bronchitis and pneumonia, never had either in my life. It was sudden onset. I stood up one morning, took three steps, and said out loud, "I'm not going to work today. Going to hospital." Next thing I recall was waking up the next day. It took four days in hospital on intense antibiotics and breathing treatments to start clearing out. I guarantee to you it was that proprietary blend that shop mixed and I will never let that happen again, because I still vape nic and haven't had an issue on my original brand. Apologies for the long post but I'm a caregiver for a quad, if you've seen what I've seen over the decades you'd be freaking out a bit, too.