Extraction Introducing "MassTerpenes" on the Autoflower Network!

Totally missed this before posting my last post. :hump: lol

No problem and thank you for your input here. My initial tagging if you was just I’ll timed. I read the wrong post the wrong way at the wrong time. I’m sure you have seen by now I can light things in fire very fast. But I hope I can also throw some water in gen when it’s time to put them out.

I had always been thinking about vaping but was so turned off by the propaganda out there that I felt I should stay away. When I found this vendor at AFN and then looked at the website I was on board with the healthy and just went for it. I could. Have done some further digging. I was never able to see the safety section but maybe I needed to sign in.

Since you guys all know where I’m from you know we are a medical state and cartridges are everywhere from the kids to the elderly and as an industry this needs to not ruin it for everyone. I see the real CCells as well as tons of knockoffs all the time. One of our Medical dispensary sells the polycarbonate tips on theirs and who knows what’s in most of the metals.

I just received a ship notification that they will send out some SerVm to me. I thank them for that but don’t want to continue to beat a dead horse with my sickness and the thickener. I assume I’ll be fine in a few days.

I hope that they will continue to work towards their goal of presenting a quality product and hope that they will keep us informed. At this point they took down the Diluent called pure and liquify. It’s still a bit unclear if this was because of the backlash or because they aren’t recommending using it. I have no intention of going anywhere near the thickener but is the liquify safe or does it contain some of those items that are not yet known to dangerous.

I’ll leave the rest of the situation up to those much more qualified than I.

Thank you for getting involved and showing interest in the situation.
Thank you folks for the reasoned discourse, facts not supposition are required ...says captain obvious lol. I just wanna make and smoke my own carts without harming myself unnecessarily. So like Frenjaman B. I need some reassurance from the vendor, sooner than later would be preferable. What Mass Terepenes responded to F.B. with is an excellent start and as far as I know Mass Terepenes has not been implicated in any of these cases. Frenjaman I hope you get well soon my brother, let`s all stay vigilant, see what the chemicals are that are implicated in these cases, then we can see if any of those chemicals are present in Mass Terepenes products. You folks really are awesome, a little love and understanding go a long way, exhibit "A".
Just went to the site to see if they had any updates and they look to have had an issue with the CC processor. They have made a statement in their home page and it is very professionally done. I believe the email I recurved was from the owner and he clearly says he intends to meet his original mission of providing a safe product. I hope things get back on track for them quickly. Far two many good companies being stopped from making sales just because of the way it’s worded. It’s crazy that so many states have legalized but we can’t pay for seeds or oils online.

Yesterday I received a nice 1oz bottle of the SerVm from @MassTerpenes. I thank them for taking the steps to create a satisfied customer. I had been looking around at alternative options even before placing my initial order with them. Even after my experience with the thickener I was very impressed with the speedy response and resolution to my initial reaction. I will not even think about looking for another product and they will have my business from this pint forward. I will be sure to give due credit and mention for their product at any point that my journals have any reference to vape oils.

Thank you SOH for showing an interest. I apologize to any one if my tone came off aggressively. I had been sick for several days and had reached a boiling point. In the face of that the response by Massterpenes was all that more impressive. I now have reached to point where it’s just a nagging hacking cough that will probably take some time to clear out the rest of the issue. But it’s clearly moved past the point if getting worse.

They have updated the website and the MSDS info is easily viewable. Looking forward to getting back on the saddle and trying out the SerVm once my vape shell shock wears off.

Once again
Thank you very much for handling the situation so well. I applaud your effort and will do everything I can to share my positive outcome.
Oh yeah I bought a 10 ton shop press and 3x7 caged plate kit from dab press, someone stop me ....

Congratulations and let us know how it goes!

@Frenjamin Banklin, glad you are getting better man. Excellent posts, learning a lot from your experience but I’m sorry that you got sick. Thank you again for posting and creating a solid discussion on something that affects all of us that enjoy carts and want to make their own. Your collective experiences are helping all of us. Thank you.
I just purchased blackberry kush liquify 15 mls Im so stoked to get it and make my own cartridges. They sure seem like a caring company that is for sure. Im so glad we have them here.

Hey F.N.! Looking forward to your results, I am really interested in doing this in the future so watching you and others go through the process is great, thank you! Hope all is well in your world.


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