Frenjamin Banklin
Hello is this thing on
Totally missed this before posting my last
No problem and thank you for your input here. My initial tagging if you was just I’ll timed. I read the wrong post the wrong way at the wrong time. I’m sure you have seen by now I can light things in fire very fast. But I hope I can also throw some water in gen when it’s time to put them out.
I had always been thinking about vaping but was so turned off by the propaganda out there that I felt I should stay away. When I found this vendor at AFN and then looked at the website I was on board with the healthy and just went for it. I could. Have done some further digging. I was never able to see the safety section but maybe I needed to sign in.
Since you guys all know where I’m from you know we are a medical state and cartridges are everywhere from the kids to the elderly and as an industry this needs to not ruin it for everyone. I see the real CCells as well as tons of knockoffs all the time. One of our Medical dispensary sells the polycarbonate tips on theirs and who knows what’s in most of the metals.
I just received a ship notification that they will send out some SerVm to me. I thank them for that but don’t want to continue to beat a dead horse with my sickness and the thickener. I assume I’ll be fine in a few days.
I hope that they will continue to work towards their goal of presenting a quality product and hope that they will keep us informed. At this point they took down the Diluent called pure and liquify. It’s still a bit unclear if this was because of the backlash or because they aren’t recommending using it. I have no intention of going anywhere near the thickener but is the liquify safe or does it contain some of those items that are not yet known to dangerous.
I’ll leave the rest of the situation up to those much more qualified than I.
Thank you for getting involved and showing interest in the situation.