Live Stoners intro to AN from uk

Welcome greenie!! I wouldn't worry about being wordy or punctuation. I was always in the garden from a young age. I have always loved growing things. Any seed I could get my hands on, I'd plant lol. It does help to have a natural green thumb. Theres loads of info on plenty of different styles and plenty of people to give advice if you need it! Anyone here can point you in the right direction. AFN

good man be expecting a message then
think ive got everything sorted took lots of advice from this site already gonna be following it best i can
but im sure to have more questions il defo tag you in my journal i start in a couple of weeks
if you think theres anything could be done better gimme a shout

seems like a really friendly bunch on here looking forward to hangin out
Hey my green friend,

looks like you made some good friends already. That is the AFN way. Hope you get some great results from your grows..............enjoy......eP.
hiya guys where would i post if i want to ask a question
ive looked for the answer in other threads and cant see it probs because it such a simple one
Depends on the question. For sick plants, the infirmary. For general questions you can ask anything in current live stoners chat.
I wouldn't add anything other then how he does, if you plan to follow his schedule you need kinda be using same medium to help be as close as possible...adding all that in will change things.
yeman makes sense,got the manure already and am looking at doin ten autos so maybe il try it out on a couple.
just noticed you get badges for doin certain things on here including this thread,do i have to ask for it or should i just get it