Live Stoners intro to AN from uk

yea man really looking forward to that one
the only one that hasnt been replaced or replaced something else in the basket
will be doin a journal with all three autos il tag ya gonna enter one into the battle under the sun when ive got my post count up

the photo gorilla glue has some crackin genetics can wait to see how that pans out
yeah definitely tag me, ill smoke along with ya.
Welcome to the site. I can tell you from experience if you study the tutorials on the site and do your research all your gardening skills translate over. Start a journal ask questions and it will be way easier than you think.
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hey guys finally found this forum im not doing to well with getting around the site,so heres my intro,bare with me cause i aint to wordy and my punctuation is terrible

im 28 years old from western europe

so i dont smoke cannabis and havent for ten years apart from my own produce from the 2
crops that have actually got 2 harvest(blue cheese,autoblue mazar)the latter being the best ive ever smoked.

i have grown veg since my teens so have what i think the basics are down to a tee,growing weed is so much more complex therefore more of a challenge

ive learnt so much more from this site already only been here a few weeks,its my new best mate looking forward to being part of the AN community
Welcome greenie!! I wouldn't worry about being wordy or punctuation. I was always in the garden from a young age. I have always loved growing things. Any seed I could get my hands on, I'd plant lol. It does help to have a natural green thumb. Theres loads of info on plenty of different styles and plenty of people to give advice if you need it! Anyone here can point you in the right direction. AFN is an amazing place to learn, grow, make great friends, and help others. I'm glad you're here! Feel free to message me if you need help with anything. If I can't help, I can point you in the direction of someone that can :welcome: happy growing! :greenthumb:
Welcome to AFN! :welcome: The best canna forum this side of the Universe!
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Hey Thanks! That Girl Come Out Beautiful am Not sure how I didn't win anything with her???? but amazing plant standing at 5'7" & lil over 3feet wide! and bring in 325gms
She was a cave dwelling beast mate, 325g is ridiculous.