Being silly here is fine. Recommended actually. Not much worse than taking one's self too seriously, IMO of course.
As to the gnats, if you have not sorted the little bastards out yet, Diatomaceous Earth only kills bugs if the bugs contact it bone dry. There is no point mixing it in soil, the reason for adding it to super soil is as I understand it to provide silica and maybe other stuff as nutrients, not to kill bugs.
My grow last winter was so bad with the buggers that I shut it down and went soilless. I am in soil again this year, and have defeated the little shits with a combination of sticky traps (lots) and Mosquito Dunks (they are available on Amazon). Last year, I mixed ground up Mosquito Dunks into the soil, but that did not work, at least it did not defeat them. This year I put a couple dunks in my watering pail and let them soak for at least a couple days before using that water for all top watering initially before I turned on my autopot reservoir. I have not seen an adult in weeks now.
I put dry sand on the earliest pot, but since they seem to be completely gone, I have not bothered with the other ones.
Bottom line, watering with Mozzie Dunks kills the larvae, and sticky traps grab most of the adults before they can lay too many eggs. Diatomaceous Earth will also deal with adults, but only if your grow setup can keep it dry where it needs to be put. I doubt that DE is worth thinking about in any top watered setup. Only one of my 30 liter autopot fabric pots stays dry enough on top to use DE, the other three, I think even including the one with sand, get moist virtually right to the surface, so I doubt that DE sitting on there would last long.
Good luck with it if you are still fighting the little buggers.