Live Stoner Chat Intro and Fungus Gnats prob

Welcome! Doesn't help a ton now I realize, but for future grows I have amended my soil with crushed up mosquito dunks (I used l I me a 1/4 - 1/2 of one for a 3 gal of soil) and it has been very successful.

You can also get the mosquito dunks and adds them to your water before your next watering. The other piece of advice I've seen a lot on this is to add a layer of sand on yop of your soil, this will keep them from being able to penetrate the soil surface, to get in our out I believe.

Best of luck, I hope it clears up for you!

Hello and Welcome to the AFN Family:Piggy Hug: Let me pass one around :smokebuds:
I'm not sure I'd use DE as part of a soil mix, you may want to google it. I'd be worried about having all those sharp little edges around my root zone, but I don't know for sure. I just use it as a top dress as needed.
Can that go into the soil mix during planting or is it just for use in emergencies?
How does it affect the good bugs?
Welcome to AFNlogo. :welcome: I see you have already discovered the helpfulness of this place:smokebuds:
I'm not sure I'd use DE as part of a soil mix, you may want to google it. I'd be worried about having all those sharp little edges around my root zone, but I don't know for sure. I just use it as a top dress as needed.

I think there are a couple of super soil recipes that call for DE.
I think there are a couple of super soil recipes that call for DE.
I'll check it out, romeo, and thanks for the heads up! :tiphat: I personally love the stuff, and my chickens do to! A little spendy and messy, but what isn't nowadays. :D:
You can also get the mosquito dunks and adds them to your water before your next watering. The other piece of advice I've seen a lot on this is to add a layer of sand on yop of your soil, this will keep them from being able to penetrate the soil surface, to get in our out I believe.

Hey Twigglius,
Mosquito Dunks are preposterously expensive where I live - up to now the Neem drench, topdressing and ladies stockings over the drainage holes seems to have stopped them. I think if you have a major problem and a lot of plants the dunks are - this is what is in 'em...
bacillus thuringiensis israelensis....

I have heard that just sand will stop the growing medium breathing - so I made a mix of compost and sand and sterilized it - definitely airy then...

First time I've had them - had a really long warm summer after years of bad ones - I think they might have been left over from an indoor summer grow that went a bit wrong 'cos I was looking after my ps girls outdoors...

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I think there are a couple of super soil recipes that call for DE.

Hey Romeo,
Had to see what a super soil is - found this - great music too - but a bit over the top for a soil mixing video!
Think this summer I'll be trying this kind of's good for beginners like me...

What do you think? Good recipe for a beginner?
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