Indoor Photoperiod Growbattle.

Imma rip a baby outta the soil and throw in hydro in the next couple days for my girl she wants to join with me on my team.

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Today makes 5 weeks of veg. Flipped to 12/12 today. Took a couple of clones to play with as well. @ZenSeeds Tropical Snow fem... Under one 4000k 55w autocob and in a 2 gal root trapper..
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This was my most recent post.. I've been here since the start.. or restart, lol.. Seems I got left off of the final list. If its too late just let me know, I will bow out graciously, lol. I also dropped 3 more regs at the end of Oct so that they'd be above ground by Nov. 1st which was the last cut off date I was aware of. They are on day 6 or so.
Hey guys:

@dankstyle J

If you guys stick with this contest until the end (and I read no more entries so this is just for you guys I see on the list I was told was official lol,) but make it to the end and I'll make sure there's a 3 pack of fem beans for each of you for all the frustration we've had starting out. BUT, you gotta play til the end, anyone dropping out or going AWOL forfeits the gift. This will be in addition to whatever prizes we stick on for the winners. Thanks for being patient with us guys, we'll all work to build a better set and system of rules for these contests. :pighug:

@Mossy @Waximus @Duggy @912GreenSkell @Rebel
Please remove me from the list, thanks.
Hey guys:

@dankstyle J

If you guys stick with this contest until the end (and I read no more entries so this is just for you guys I see on the list I was told was official lol,) but make it to the end and I'll make sure there's a 3 pack of fem beans for each of you for all the frustration we've had starting out. BUT, you gotta play til the end, anyone dropping out or going AWOL forfeits the gift. This will be in addition to whatever prizes we stick on for the winners. Thanks for being patient with us guys, we'll all work to build a better set and system of rules for these contests. :pighug:

Now that is cool!! Right on son of hobbs.
Okay guys i have pondered the late entries. I made some slight changes to the front page rule set and they are now firm. No changes will be made from this point on. I extended the optional veg period to 8 weeks, and extended the entry date until today. Maximize participation is what we need. Lets face it @Ash-a-Ton kind of got screwed by the date extension, and hopefully everyone agrees. A simple rules change of 5 week veg to an 8 weeks veg.

Despite the amount of effort required to keep it organized, i have also changed the 7 day mandatory pic to 14 days like i had it on the outdoor contest. I didn't want to make it any different than that, as this is already an active contest. All it does is eases up frequency of updating for me, and a bit off the entries if they gap out for a few days extra past a week. On the 15th day with no pics submitted, entry will be eliminated(or as soon as i notice) No warning tags will be issued for overdue entries. I am going to assume that entries current today are up to date, and will start updating the front page from now on. It would be an obscene amount of work for me to backtrack through 30 pages crossing referencing pics to make sure the current entries have been posting once a week.

The only thing will stop me is if mine turns out to be a male.. what do you think?

View attachment 824201

That looks like a lovely girl to me!!

Male all the way. I can tell by how green the leaves are.

Haha :D Good one! :D

I wanna play

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Entries accepted to today...we need to maximize participation!!

This was my most recent post.. I've been here since the start.. or restart, lol.. Seems I got left off of the final list. If its too late just let me know, I will bow out graciously, lol. I also dropped 3 more regs at the end of Oct so that they'd be above ground by Nov. 1st which was the last cut off date I was aware of. They are on day 6 or so.

Sorry you were missed bud...added to list. From what i see the original plant is eligible, as well as the new ones. Ive changed the ruling on the last start date to entries past this point will be accepted.

Please remove me from the list, thanks.

No problem. Removed.

Okay guys!! I sincerely hope everyone is totally cool with these slight changes in the rules. Maximum participation is what we need to make these contests a grand success. No way do I want to see anyone pissed off with this or any other contest I am involved in, so i kept any rules changes slight and subtle. Since its nearing winter, I find myself with enough time to run the updates to run the contest in the same way I ran the outdoor contest. I really hope that any conflict is now resolved, and we can have a super fun contest filled with beautiful indoor plants. So just keep growing and posting pics, and don't miss the 14 day pics posting requirement!!
One last thing.....when you post pics of your official entries, please list them clearly defining them as official entries. Its cool if you want to post pics of plants not in the contest, but i need to know when a pic is official, so i can keep the main page updated and organized.

Good luck guys, and may the best plant win!!
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