Thanks for the good karma JM. It served me well. Also thanks for the knowledge on oxygenating the water and how to do it properly. I nuted my water (haha, I neutered it too.. the PH that is), then PH'd back up to 6.8 (a little high, I know.. little less than a TBSP of Baking Soda per gallon is what I learned.. I used an even TBSP). I hit my sprouts with their first round of nutes (4 TBSP big bloom, 2 TSP Microbe Brew... HTG sent me sledgehammer instead of Kangaroots... -_-, didn't realize it until tonight.)
Also of the 10 seeds germed, 7 had root tips about 5PM today when I came home.. so they're now in solo cups awaiting sprout!
Here's some shots;
First off, here's the setup of the lights - 6x 26W 2700ks, 2x 26W 6500ks (they were supposed to be my supplemental grow lights.. why they're the flower spectrum mostly)
They're relatively close besides the edge ones which I've repositioned to be more level and moved down now as well..
But it appears that some of the plants in the MIDDLE are stretching? Just wanted an opinion.
Then the two in the back here... the front two look short and stout.
And my favorite two of the 13...
On my next day off I plan on moving them to the grow room (pictures still coming.. I wanna have some suspense here!!, you guys will like the room!!!) and their final medium. (50% LW/50% OF).. I plan on doing one more nute watering before then, then 1/4 strength nute watering after I move them (because of the OF)...
Once they hit the room they'll be in enclosed mylar goodness with 600W of HPS on the bottom or 400W of HPS with 200W of CFL on the top (two layer box..)
Thanks for checking this out!