Indoor In too deep.. Whatsgoodie's massive autoflower grow [JOURNAL, ROOM CONSTRUCTION -> GROW]

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well... remove as much peat as you can from the tap roots without huring the tap root or plant... then put into a non-ferted compo mix ( light prefeablly with some perlite)

then water with clean distilled water orjust nute free good water...
if you have chamomile tea around... you can stop what appears to be "damping off" disease there... make a tea of the chamomile and water in gently on them.... you could put a few drops of H202 into that as well...
also spray your plants with the solution to stop any fungi / mold

also, if these arent in the light, thats why they are curling down and all over... seeking light
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Alright guys. I redid the entire setup as quickly as I could (about 20 minutes). I used prewashed LW and filled solo cups. (I always have like 500 on hand lol). I cracked open each peat pellet as gently as I could and pulled the sprouts out with tweezers. I pushed a hole 1/4" deep into the LW in the solo cups and dropped the seed in there. I then covered it (including the seed top) with a bit of LW. I sprayed each cup 8 times (fine misting bottle) to dampen the top layer of the LW.

I lost two seeds (black and dingy with green all over them) to what I assume is rot, they were Pakistan Ryder and Flash Babylon.

I had 4 seeds that were a mild/dark green that hadn't sprouted a tap root yet (2x 60 day wonder, 1x Pakistan Ryder, 1x Onyx) I planted these in a different method. 1/3" deep then covered and sprayed. (1/3" as opposed to 1/4"). Most of the seeds had tap roots when I removed them from the peat.

For the two seeds I lost, I started 3 Lowlife AKxDiesel that I've had for about two years from a grow I wanted to start long ago. They're germed and in the solo cups.

Here's a picture of the setup -


The two lamps are 26W CFLs - I have an other 6 bulbs I can attach between the two of them (making them both 100W+ CFLS), should I do this? Should the lights be closer? I could also make them both 52W CFLS by doing a double bulb on each)

The downfall to what happened here was since I paniced, I didn't remember each seed as I put it in the cup.... so now I have no idea what's what LOL.

How hard is it to transplant from a solo cup to the final medium? I guess I'll have to read up on that now...

Thanks so much for the help JM and gearbear.


Yes the water is PH'd to 6.5, it's tap water. (I have a stream that's spring water outside.. I've considered using that for watering ... would it make a difference?)

I don't have a soil PH tester, only a Milwaukee water one as I was going to do a hydro grow about two years ago...
[EDIT] I need to learn refresh the page if I walk away from the computer for any length of time, but I will leave this here anyway....P.S. I hope it all works out for you [ /EDIT]

Everybody be hating on the Jiffy pellets... personally I like them but they can be a pain if used incorrectly.

If your seeds are that high above the top of the jiffy pellet then the tap root should be out the bottom or side, if you cannot see the tap root then you most likely did not plant the seed deep enough and the tap root is not pushing itself down through the pellet but instead it is pushing everything out the top. I have had this happen a few times and its easy to correct if caught early on.

If this is the case in your situation then the plants should come out of the pellets very easily and should be very carefully put into some seed raising mix or similar medium.
If you catch the problem early on then you can get some pointy tweezers and gently dig down the pellet to loosen it all up and the problem should then fix itself. (not recommended if more than 3-4 days have passed or the jiffy pellet smells and/or looks like it has fungus/mold growing on it)

Jiffy pellets need to be kept in the dark somewhere warm and as soon as you can see the seed pushing through the top it needs to go under some lights, if you leave sprouts in the dark for a few days they will start to look like vines as they search for light.

Ideally the tap root should come out the bottom as the seed breaks the surface, then its straight into pots and under lights.

Some suggestions if you use Jiffy pellets again.
Note: Soak seeds in PHed water first.
Soak jiffy pellet in lukewarm water (they expand faster)
Once fully expanded squeeze the crap out of it.
Maul it a little between your fingers to loosen it up a bit.
If you think its to dry then its likely to wet so squeeze it again :)
Get some pointy tweezers and dig down in the pellet to loosen.
Add seed then place container in warm dark spot.
Once you see the taproot then the sprout should not be far behind and its nearly time to pot on, I normally wait until I can see both the taproot and seed case breaking the surface before potting on.
No matter what happens remember that once the seed case breaks the surface its light time.
OH NO.... not labeled :( sad day. I hope they pick up for you. Do you remember any of them?

@ Portmac, I'm sure you do great in them. I suck at them unless it's tomatoes.
@ Portmac,

I'm pretty sure you're right that I did NOT plant the seeds deep enough into the Jiffy pellets. I only put them a thin layer down (the tip of an erase of a pencil), I figured this would be enough but I now believe it was NOT.
I will be trying Jiffy pellets again with some AKxDiesel I have from Lowlife and some bag seed to see if I can master them. I thought they'd be "easier" for my first grow, but I no longer think they're a easy I believed they were.

I also had some "hard spots" in the Jiffy pellets (I'm assuming peat that did not absorb the water which would be impenetrable for the tap root.) I've transplanted everything over to solo cups with LW in them for now. Since I posted earlier (5 hours ago), I've got two seeds popping up above the top layer of soil!

I also redid the lighting so now there's 4 26W CFLS (100W equiv). I noticed the top layer of the soil dries superfast with the lights on but I'm only hitting around the middle of the cup with a misting bottle (7 sprays clockwise... I try to have a method to everything LOL).

+rep to you guys, thanks for throwing me the life ring! Hope they all pull through!!!
best of luck to you WG, sounds like you've done your homework. sorry to hear about the little mishap with the jiffy pellets. i, like yourself, went with the jiffy pellets for my first time thinking it'd just be pop and drop... around 4 pellets ended up turning green and slimy, and 2 got grey/green spots on it. 90% turned out fine, even with them being way too wet, so i can't knock 'em. since then i prefer to go straight to party cups after they germ, but whatever you find gives you a higher success rate is the way to go
Out of 23 seeds 13 survived.. :( Plus the original two lost makes for 12 lost seeds. Ouch... at roughly $10 per seed that's $120 lost due to my ignorance. NO BUENO!

Doing some germinating tonight via the good ol' paper towel method.

Tonight to replace the 10 dead I will be germinating;

2x Onyx (donno if I lost any or not..)
2x FP (Know I saved one for sure)
2x 60D Wonder (lost 2 of 3)
1x Pakistan Ryder (Lost 1)
1x Flash Babylon (lost my original)
2x Kannabia Afrodite


The survivors look good, three of them have a U hook with the plant pointing down right now but I'm hoping they'll settle themselves out. One I had to dig up a little and the seed casing is gone but the leaves aren't spread (it's a bulb) and it's a yellow color as opposed to the nice solid green the others are ( will post a pic ), giving it a day to see if it survives but if all else fails I'll be popping another Mi5 in.

I have two packs of Super Autos I want to play with as well but just don't have the room right now -- what's the opinion on LST'ing super autos? Anyone?
That's too bad. Sorry for ya man. Beans aren't cheap, but just think if ya get a few males with this run you can replace all that missing seed with your own creations that you know the parents and if they were good to you or not.
Thats sucks man. hope you have better luck next time. Ignorance is far from bliss in the cannabis growing world....