Mephisto Genetics Illuminautos, Biotabs and more

Its Update time again :smoking:

Sour Crinkle and Creme Bubbly are both 24 days old.

My Sour Crinkle entered the flower mode very fast ! I compared her to my Sour Stomper ( took her main cola at 60 days) and the SC is way faster at day 24. She looks very nice, i like her leaves and her structure a lot. She stands at 34cm tall :headbang:


Creme Bubbly
stands at 28cm "tall" and i am more and more convinced that i have a very Creme de la Chem leaning pheno in fact of her big indica leaves and her small size. I hope for some more days to stretch a bit and i cant wait to smell the chemmy-sweetness:drool:.


Blue Toof
is 12 days old and i love this little lady:biggrin: The Biotabs kit is very impressive so far. She looks like a sativa leaning pheno and her branches grow very fast:headbang:

day 10

day 12

Gold Glue is 4 days old, her first leaves are fat and she looks very very nice to me :smoking:


Bubbly Livers and Sour Alien Livers potted for the Grow-off:headbang:


is 22 days and i trained her a bit and removed 1 leaf, i love her new structure and i hope her branches shot up the next few days.:biggrin:

day 20

day 22

MBAPx? is 20 days and nothing much to say. She´s a lady:biggrin:


Sour Liversx? is 5 days old and rooted very fast.:smoking:


Enjoy the pictures.:d5:
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Everything looks to be moving along like clockwork. May I pull up a seat and enjoy the show? Happy growing and hope you're blessed with many full buds and maxed out scales.
Thanks for the invite. I'm subbed in, and will catch up here later today. :toke:
Its Update time again :smoking:

Sour Crinkle and Creme Bubbly are both 24 days old.

My Sour Crinkle entered the flower mode very fast ! I compared her to my Sour Stomper ( took her main cola at 60 days) and the SC is way faster at day 24. She looks very nice, i like her leaves and her structure a lot. She stands at 34cm tall :headbang:

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Creme Bubbly
stands at 28cm "tall" and i am more and more convinced that i have a very Creme de la Chem leaning pheno in fact of her big indica leaves and her small size. I hope for some more days to stretch a bit and i cant wait to smell the chemmy-sweetness:drool:.

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Blue Toof
is 12 days old and i love this little lady:biggrin: The Biotabs kit is very impressive so far. She looks like a sativa leaning pheno and her branches grow very fast:headbang:

day 10
View attachment 799545

day 12
View attachment 799547

Gold Glue is 4 days old, her first leaves are fat and she looks very very nice to me :smoking:

View attachment 799534

Bubbly Livers and Sour Alien Livers potted for the Grow-off:headbang:

View attachment 799532

is 22 days and i trained her a bit and removed 1 leaf, i love her new structure and i hope her branches shot up the next few days.:biggrin:

day 20
View attachment 799539

day 22
View attachment 799538

MBAPx? is 20 days and nothing much to say. She´s a lady:biggrin:

View attachment 799537

Sour Liversx? is 5 days old and rooted very fast.:smoking:

View attachment 799543

Enjoy the pictures.:d5:
Very nice grow you've got there, you'll be rewarded very soon! :d5:
Question, you're NCH? does it have water spots that caused the leaf decay like that or is it attributed to any other source you can name, just for my curiosity is the reason I ask. They are beautiful and I wish I could get the biotabs here, but alas it isn't in the stars me thinks
Thanks for the invite. I'm subbed in, and will catch up here later today. :toke:

I need to thank you ! I am very glad i could help:d5:

Very nice grow you've got there, you'll be rewarded very soon! :d5:
Thank you for the kind words:bighug:

Nice and dark green right from the start with the tabs.

I am very pleased with the results of the tabs so far:smoking: Especially the Boom Boom Spray is a very great product, i highly recommend it.:headbang:

Question, you're NCH? does it have water spots that caused the leaf decay like that or is it attributed to any other source you can name, just for my curiosity is the reason I ask. They are beautiful and I wish I could get the biotabs here, but alas it isn't in the stars me thinks

The NCHx? and my other "selfmade" seeds like the Sour Liversx? and the MBAPx? and also the Sour Crinkle and Creme Bubbly are fed with my old AN shedule + Canna Mono Magnesium and Calcium + Boom Boom Spray from Biotabs.:headbang: I only got 10 Tabs so i grow my Gold Glue and my Blue Toof with 2 and my Sour Alien Livers and my Bubbly Livers with 3 of them.:biggrin: I dont really know what caused the spots on my NCHx? tbh:shrug:. The spots appeared between day 15 and 18. At the same time the NCHx was quadrifoliate at the top so i think the plant needed more nutrients (Cal/Mag) than normal.:shrug: . The NCHx? is just to learn some LST and i am very happy with my results so far.:smoking:

This is what she looked like a few hours ago :d5:
Time for an update ! :smoking:

Sour Crinkle and Creme Bubbly are 29 days old today and what can i say, WOW !

The Sour Crinkle smells SO HEAVY already ! This is incredible ! She is a filter killer ! She smells like a "ready to harvest" plant so be sure your filter is in tip-top condition when the flower sets in ! :biggrin:
She has budsites everywhere and stands at 41cm "tall". She already starts packing on the frost as you can see in the picture. :headbang:


Creme Bubbly stands at 38cm "tall" and nothing much to say. She grows very steady and nice and i think she will stop vertical growth in the next few days and hit the flower mode hard.:smoking: I cant wait to see her flowers !:smoking:

The NCHx? and the MBAPx? are 27 and 25 days old and responding very well to my "LST". They never slowed down and both have a nice even canopy now.:biggrin: I hope i can get a few grams out of each :smoking:.

Blue Toof is just incredible, 17 days old today and her side branches are very vigorous. She grows very fast and healty, her leaves look like i got a sativa ( Blue Cush ) leaning pheno :pass: The Biotabs are very very impressive so far !

Gold Glue is 9 days today and nothing much to report. She grows well and i like her big fingers.:smoking:

The selfmade Sour Livers is 10 days old today and i really like her leaves. I will top this little lady at the 4th node to experiment a bit:headbang:

Bubbly Livers (left) and Sour Alien Livers (right) are 3 days old today and the Sour Alien Livers looks a bit mutated but she will catch up for sure !

Sorry for the bad pictures but i hope you enjoy it :d5: