NEWS Illinois Legalizing Jan 1st 2020!!

I can't find any verbage that says growing outside won't be allowed. The only thing I can find is that it says plants must be out of public View. Well I have that covered, nobody can see on my property unless they actively walk on my property and make an effort to see it. Which also means getting past my blue heeler...

And a solution for those that don't have the property I have would be a greenhouse

Sorry to disappoint but the language is in the Bill ..... Specifically states must be Grown in a Lock lock area out of Public and view of Minors - Language State’s in a locked room, bla bla bla .... see page 9 ....

and Rep. Kelly started indoors verbally .....

Remember I’m just the messenger here bro - I hear ya on growing outdoors but suspect that will be illegal, sad to report ....
Oh how I miss Illinois !!! Been living in HELL (Arizona ... so hot in the summer you think you're in Hell) since 83 & hate it here. One season all year long ... It Sucks !!!
I want 4 seasons again & a house with a basement which is next to impossible to find in AZ. 5 more years till retirement & I can finally move back. By then things should be plenty legal in Illinois so this should work out great for me.

Well this winter when it hit Flippin -29 it wasn’t a nice place to be ..... but ya State is making headway on weed and it does offer a lot but their money and corruption issues are for real .... 4 of the last 10 governors are or have been in the joint - 40% percent - really?
Didn't think or know you could have a criminal record & still be an elected official. That in itself sounds kind of corrupt. But the way I see it is : if they've been in the joint they are a hell of a lot more likely to support legal mj. Chicago / Illinois has always been a rough & tumble, corrupt state for as long as I can remember. Seems like when Gambino was running things he tried to take things back to the mob days. The mob is still there. I use to deal for a guy in the Syndicate 35 years ago. But the mobs are small compared to the gangs. Latin Kings pretty much run the Chicago area. So many chapters: Latin Kings, Latin Queens, Latin Counts, El Roukons, etc... They are friggin notorious & wont stop at anything to get their way. If you're a grower .... I'd be more worried about the gangs wanting a piece of your action then the law.
Anyway, the temps are fine with me. Lived there through 2 Blizzards & remember it actually hitting 32 below sometimes. I just miss being home. Haven't seen my family since 1983.
Gangs do Drugs -

Mob does legal biz -
like union corruption - political favors in zoning - etc .....

When the F__k did State Workers get Unionized and start paying dues to their union bosses and then tell me how the flip the pensions got so underfunded- they skimmed money that’s how, legal skim of assets called management fees.
Nothing is set in stone yet. They say that they may allow medical card holders to grow which would at least be something.

Translation - we want to know who's growing in their house and or using, so that we can take their firearms rights away.

Archaic... what is it like down there growing? Texas is where I want to go and where all my family is. If I relocate I would like to live in the Blanco or Comal County areas. But I mean it is Texas, they killed some guy back in the 15ish yrs ago trying to seize his land and he wasn't even growing anything, it was a bad tip. I love Texas but I feel like I'm a 1980s Ronald Reagan America when I'm there, which really isn't a bad thing unless you like cannabis lol.