Indoor ICU#2 And ALF#3

The plants are looking amazing Bailer quite impressed. The vigor is coming through quite nicely and i can see the difference in the 5 days as in size. Seems that this water method is really working for you guys and thats what i like seeing. Seems that if they grow that vigorous through veg state the buds will lump on. Not just swell but lump.

I have been hiding a secret from you guys for about 3 weeks now until i gave the verdict on what i was seeing. I have been amending water with something new. I took your advice Bailer and Wiz and switched to cider vinegar. From what i can tell i see a swell difference every morning. They keep getting thicker and thicker. Also i may be seeing things but trich production has gone up as well.

Ill show it to you in the updates with some macros. That also reminds me i need to get some tric shots with the scope too. i have missed two Fridays.

none the less great looking plants there Bailer and Wiz may be right, i think that i am starting to develop a complex.
Oh..I predict you will see a lot more now you have found the miracle water...the root health goes through the roof..
if you look after the roots..the plant looks after itself.

I am pleasantly supprised. This is the first time i've used it on a regular basis for ph'ing. I won't be buying anymore bottles of ph down. That's for sure.
The plants are looking amazing Bailer quite impressed. The vigor is coming through quite nicely and i can see the difference in the 5 days as in size.

I notice a difference in vigor.

I took your advice Bailer and Wiz and switched to cider vinegar.

That is good to hear, we are almost close to not needing much in terms of grow shop bought stuff.
That is good to hear, we are almost close to not needing much in terms of grow shop bought stuff.
I have to say thats one of the things I really like the most about all the research we're al doing... producing our own nutrients and amendments in-house basically!

producing our own nutrients and amendments in-house basically!

Thats the idea behind it all to keep it simple and what better than relying on cheaper yet proven effectiveness with out having to pay high prices at the grow shops.
If we can get every one to grow out of their own means and get large numbers we would all be smiling.
I have been hiding a secret from you guys for about 3 weeks now until i gave the verdict on what i was seeing. I have been amending water with something new. I took your advice Bailer and Wiz and switched to cider vinegar. From what i can tell i see a swell difference every morning. They keep getting thicker and thicker. Also i may be seeing things but trich production has gone up as well.

Interesting to Think that the cider vinegar is the Human healthy option too...

The more I learn, the more I grow, the less money I'm spending on my grows.
and I bet the plants look better for it..:clap:

I just think that the less canna specific items and the more general Plant stuff we use....the more covert we become..
encourage more Nervous med patients to give it a go. :thumbs:

and Wiz may be right, i think that i am starting to develop a complex.


Look at it this way my Bud....
for every 4 Black Dragons..there has to be 1 that is Totally Colour Resistant....:pimp:

Mornin Wiz..

Interesting to Think that the cider vinegar is the Human healthy option too...

Was thinkin the same thing... here sipping my bicarbonate water... finding I need to do it several times a day.. notice and acid flavor in my mouth (have for a while) when I dont... thank you! more energy, better breathing... ph balanced...


ps - listen to you with the 25% colorless ration... how many tries has poor FD been through and still no color?

EDIT: I use honey in my tea... and some eldeberry extract occasionally.. must post an article I suppose.. :)
So who's the evil one now! HA!

But the difference is my Bro...everyone KNOWS I'm evil.....
sold my soul to the devil dont cha know...
for a pocket full of cannabis Colours.........:twist:

You on the other hand.....:peace:

ps - listen to you with the 25% colorless ration... how many tries has poor FD been through and still no color?

Ah noticed THAT as well huh.....:firedevil:
Well i thought it would be a good time for some updates. They have really hit their stride the last couple days. If you look back from when i posted last to now. It's a pretty drastic change.

I will start us off with the tall male. This thing grew like 10 inches the last few days. He's not under direct light so he grew some legs. I had to get him out of there quick time he was ready to shoot some pollen. Bottle so wiz can judge size.


Here is my other ICU male. I like him because every leaf is the same. Not as tall as the other one.


Here come the ladies.
These are some double potted ICU's

Another ICU

Taller ICU, WR dom pheno.

Wiz i bet this one is making you hungry. :D ICU as well.

Here is the slow ALF#3, going to get big i bet.

Wiz, can you tell my overnight lows are ALOT lower than my daytime highs? Remeber the lime you had early flower? When i commented i see it often, I wasn't telling stories. Even my indoor gets it. 28 celcius durring the day and 18 durring the nights durring winter months.
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