.... hmmm, 2 for two, totally different genetics on each run,...with auto's no less so light leaks are a non-factor...
Stitching holes typically aren't enough to cause such a issue in photo's, regardless... I gather it was a new tent? I saw that you did clean the interior with bleach... Fully indoors?
It begs some questions for sure! Well covered by some of the replies too.... I'm trying to shuffle the odds on things here,...
Having two runs back to back go FUBAR is
exceptionally unlucky, even with dubious genetics (I'm with Proph here, I trust most of those brands as far as I can toss a fart!).... That the auto's somehow got knocked up is the greater mystery here, maybe even the answer IF you can recall if you found any male flowers on them? I have been told by more than one solid source that sometimes nanners, even full male flowers make weak to non-viable pollen.... I've had two auto's (at the same time) show full male flowers at two nodes, opened, but oddly enough not a single seed! That was almost certainly a light issue, totally unrelated strains, no known hermie issues with either...
Heat/light stress ( like accidental sudden shifts in timing and hours on/off) are known triggers, but hardly automatic.... Even auto's can get wonky with such things though, just less likely generally. What light sched' were you on, and type of lights? Distance to tops?
Not knowing who the culprit was on the first run is a drag, but cross contamination would have been my first choice here. As unlikely as it is, I have to ask if the ducting was maybe swapped, intake for exhaust, with pollen residing in the ducting...

Often overlooked!
Oh, what exactly did you find on the hermies, nanners in the bud proper (usually not fully developed male flowers, petals and all), or full-on male flowers at the node junctions? It's technical, but there are different types of hermaphrodism/intersex expression and which one matters in such a case...
It may sound silly, but one last check on the tent would be warranted... Sit in there, fully empty, and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. It'd be an $$ shame to junk it if not at fault here!
Truth is you'll likely never know for sure, but process of elimination can offer you some solace and prompt you to keep at it! For practical reasons, I'd recommend getting two smaller tents, allows you to juggle light phases and even auto and photo's as space and needs allow -

Speedy genetics can be found, just ask and research some,... Sour Crack has already been mentioned, Sour Livers is fast too; Sweet and Female have some quick cycle cultivars, Sweet's F1FV photo's are another excellent choice for speed! These are F1 Photo x auto crosses, light sensitive still but quicker in bloom than their parents....
Short Stuff has fine genetics, but can't recall which ones are fastest, you'll have to look them up... :smoking: