Mephisto Genetics I dropped an sodk seed on the ground... picked up 2 seeds. Decided to plant both seeds... Hopefully one is the sodk. A true mystery!


I put metal in the microwave
Cultivators Club
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
So the plan was to grow an sodk in just a 1.5 gallon planter pot so I wasnt worried about the pot it was in. But I dropped the seed on the floor... well I went to pick it up and I realized there were 2 seeds on the ground... One was dark and one was light. The light one was the one i think is sodk, and is planted in the middle of the 1.5 gallon container, and then the other seed i decided was going to be a mystery so it's tucked beside it in a second rapid rooter. I'm going to see which sprouts first and move that one to the air pot... I'm pretty sure the seed is a mephisto seed because I only ever remember dropping a mephisto seed a long time ago but I dont remember what the heck it was... so I need people's help distincting the two strains. It might even be a second sodk

So heres the low down
Light: 1x Mars Hydro sp-250
Grow Space: 48*24*60inch tent
Container: 3 gallon air pot, 1.5 gallon standard pot
Medium: Miraclegro performance organics with 30% added perlite (it has been working amazing for me so no griefing me on it)
Seeds: Mephisto sodk, one idk what but believe it's a mephisto, but I'll know when it starts auto flowering or it dosent. But I'll get your help figuring it out... maybe even a second sodk
Nutrients: General Hydroponics Maxitwo step ( MaxiGro MaxiBloom), general hydroponics koolbloom liquid and granular (all as needed), epsom salts
Fungicide: southern ag. Biofungicide.

I planted them yesterday. Random updates sorry they wont be regular for this. But I'll try to keep them more often than not often.
Interested to see the Mgro workes..
I just got done a sweet n sour grow with performance organics and a few others have done grows too. It works amazingly well. It's not the same stuff that's in regular miracle gro and it works really well. It's a very basic blend which you have to amend with the perlite you need. I can show you some pica of the buds I got off ky sweet n sour. Not the most dense, but my lights died out at the end of the grow and I just now moved to the sp-250, so I'm really happy with the soil mixture.

Performance organics is a totally different mix than regular miracle gro. It dosent have those crappy balls nor the crappy slow release ferts, nor the crap miracle gro fertilizers. It's really good. I need to get more before it inevitably balloons in price because it works.
I've been growing a lot of things in it and they all like it. Tbh I'm surprised it's working so well. But I have seen someone pull 3.5 zips from this type of set up with gro performance organics and maxi 2 step
So one of the two is at day 1. This is the one I'm calling blue as it's in the blue pot. I think it's the one that's not the sodk for some reason, but if it is then I did what I wanted and have the sodk in the correct 1.5 gallon pot.
Blue was twirled up in the rapid rooter so I had to bring it to the top so the codylton are still yellow from lack of light.
So heres day one for blue

Here to watch, hope there's room.
Welcome aboard. I pack my plants when I'm soil. I'm going for variety and getting as many in as possible. Hopefully everything grows out well like it is right now :kitty:
I just got done a sweet n sour grow with performance organics and a few others have done grows too. It works amazingly well. It's not the same stuff that's in regular miracle gro and it works really well. It's a very basic blend which you have to amend with the perlite you need. I can show you some pica of the buds I got off ky sweet n sour. Not the most dense, but my lights died out at the end of the grow and I just now moved to the sp-250, so I'm really happy with the soil mixture.

Performance organics is a totally different mix than regular miracle gro. It dosent have those crappy balls nor the crappy slow release ferts, nor the crap miracle gro fertilizers. It's really good. I need to get more before it inevitably balloons in price because it works.
I've been growing a lot of things in it and they all like it. Tbh I'm surprised it's working so well. But I have seen someone pull 3.5 zips from this type of set up with gro performance organics and maxi 2 step to tag along as well.
I was an idiot and was too rough with the seed trying to take the seed shell off the seed and it popped off a codylton. Since I have so many old sodk that are about 4 years old I decided not to wasted my time on either an sodk or a mystery seed and I replaced it with an sodk. This is also because now I can he sure I can abuse this girl to keep her inside my tent. I half plan on giving her away too but I wanna try all the techniques I've been too afraid to ever try on an auto on this one to see what happens size wise. So I still dont know what the hell I have except one is an sodk. But now I have a reference point for the other. I'm not worried about destroying a seed. That's why they gave so many extras

I was thinking the exact same thing! SODK gets huge, hopefully the small pot keeps them from being giant beasts. Good luck! Peace, slow
Sodk does get huge, I'm going to try all methods possible to keep her size down so any suggestions are highly appreciated :thumbsup: to tag along as well.
Theres always room, pull up a chair or relaxation device of your desire (I prefer those zip up hammocks)