Humboldt Seed Organization Humboldt Seed Organization 2019 Grow Off!

Thanks thanks I appreciate it guys and gals[emoji482]
yeah it was a good crop I had a lot of good crops with the CMOG all them crops came from one seed those are all clones except for one plant which was in the the raised bed in my basement grow I thought I'd try a raised bed and I loved it it works great but it's hard to do a Perpetual grow in that one raised bed. I almost need three rooms with three raised beds in order to make it work so I can Perpetualize it if there's such a word LoL

I got like four seeds left at the end of May I'll pop one for the second run of the cage grow and put it out in mid July and I'll do light depth to it she should finish in mid September.[emoji482]
@St Tom [emoji481][emoji482]

We are germinating. All have popped and are potted.
Now the waiting.[emoji482]
@St Tom [emoji481][emoji482]

We are germinating. All have popped and are potted.
Now the waiting.[emoji482]
great job growbro also now I already have your germ pic you now don't need to tag me till may the 1st now for your first weekly one i think i will let you know as i know and thanks again
Final Update Week 11

Tag:-@St. Tom@HSO-Mark

This is my H.S.O. battle plant, Week 11, and what a plant she has turned out to be...


Chopped at Day 78.

The thing about growing Monsters is there is always a hell of a lot of trimming to do.

5ft 5" of very nice and very full plant.

Luckily, she was a lot easier to trim than some plants I have grown.

Leaf tugging worked well, and I have enough sticky "Finger Hash" for a few joints this evening... Bonus.

Here she is prior to 4Hrs of rough trimming.

I shall be drying her as a whole plant, upside down and very slow, and then a final trim when dry.


Buds are heavy, sticky and smelly, the stems needed support for the photos.

After 4 Hrs of rough trimming, she looks like this, a whole load of leaf taken off her.


Update Week 9 & 10

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

As AFN has been having some issues, updates have been erratic. So here are two weeks updates in one post.

Changes made :-

Constant tinkering of the environmental control, trying to keep the Temps & Rh% on track.


My Battle plant... (Plant 2) Week 9

My Battle plant... (Plant 2) Week 10


Update Week 8

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Changes made :-

Nothing much, upped the nutrients a tad, added an old Mars 300w Draw LED (for another plant in the tent) giving some reflective light for plant 2


My Battle plant... Plant 2



She has now out grown plant 1 and stands5ft 2" in height, will have to bend her if shekeeps stretching.

Update Week 7

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark
Changes made :-

Moved the plants about to make a bit more room for them.

They were left to their own devices on "Auto Pilot" for 3 days, as I have been away.

Looking good filling out nicely, no problems with taking full strength nutrients... they look to be going for it...


My Battle plant...



Update Week 6
Changes made :-

Not much happening this week, Just keeping my eye on things.

Added a few more "predators" (no problems) - just preventative maintenance against spider mite attack.

Gentle transition from Veg Nutes to Flower Nutes.

Daily fine tuning of the tent environment, to keep the VPD on track.

Filling out nicely, lots of bud sites, niceshape & colour.



Update Week 5

Lots happening this week

AFN down for 2 days, a mini heatwave, high humidity, and a lot of "juggling" required to keep the Temps and Rh on track.

Changes made :-

Added 2 x humidifiers and 1 x dehumidifier and another fan to balance Temps & Rh.

Both HSO girls are doing well, but 1 week apart in age.

Normally I would be starting a feed transition from grow to flower nutes as plant 1 is at that stage, but plant 2 (and another plant in the tent) need another week on grow.feed.

I can't be arsed to set up a seperate res just for plant 1, so I am keeping them all on Veg feed at present.

Two HSO "Dedoverde Haze" plants, two different phenos.



Plant 1 is the tallest / biggest and given the parentage of it's genes, probably represents the strain better... But I also like the shorter bushier structure of plant 2.

I tossed a coin to decide what one to take forward as my "HSO Grow off plant", and am happy that "Plant 2" Won.

Plant 2
is therefore my official entry.

[Update Week 4

Tag:- @St. Tom

Both girls are now feeding from the bottle... The Autopots are starting to do their thing !

Lights raised to keep optimum distance from each plant. I love the AutoCobs @BigSm0

From today the girls went onto a 20/4 Light cycle.



Environment is holding well, although I had to add a humidifier to raise the RH a tad to my desired target.
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AutoCob Bright full Logo 4.jpg

Leg 2

Tag @St. Tom

I am assuming this thread will keep running ? or will there be a new one for Leg 2 ?

Environment for this battle/growoff will be....
Shared Tent:- 2.4mt x 1.2mt x 2mt (Green Qube 1224)
Up to 8 x 3500k - 55wt Auto Cobs (@BigSm0 - Cobshop) with reflectors, & 600w Mars Hydro LED (old style) as needed.
Autopot system, Dual Grow & Bloom Res
Ferro Nutrients (Regional Adjusted), Charge, Plant Magic Mycorrhizae, Mammoth P
Canna Terra Pro Soil, Clay Pebbles, Additional Perlite

Germ in shot glass (Ph'd water), will be potted into solo cups, and then transplanted into Final Autopots when ready.



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