@FastBuds toni !!! Nothing you havent alread seen, but wanted to welcome you to the HST training thread..
Thanks bro! I don't have enough eyes to be aware of every interesting thread! Very appreciated!

Yes, it's pretty interesting knowing how to do it properly and takes a bit of time and failures to get great results; but thanks to you and all the "LST crews" we have here, it will be much easier for everybody to learn about it. As an auto seed bank and knowing the risks, we cannot recommend this techniques cuz they may potentially stunt the plant unless you are used to it. But, if you assume these risks, we encourage growers to try this technique out until you succeed cuz, as you all can see in this thread, the results are awesome when properly done.

Thanks again for the effort on explaining it to the community. If we help each other and get together, it will be better :D Cheers!

Enjoy Growing Faster, fam!
Thanks bro! I don't have enough eyes to be aware of every interesting thread! Very appreciated!

Yes, it's pretty interesting knowing how to do it properly and takes a bit of time and failures to get great results; but thanks to you and all the "LST crews" we have here, it will be much easier for everybody to learn about it. As an auto seed bank and knowing the risks, we cannot recommend this techniques cuz they may potentially stunt the plant unless you are used to it. But, if you assume these risks, we encourage growers to try this technique out until you succeed cuz, as you all can see in this thread, the results are awesome when properly done.

Thanks again for the effort on explaining it to the community. If we help each other and get together, it will be better :D Cheers!

Enjoy Growing Faster, fam!
Hey what up man..
Heres one bud. Trying to upload a couple more

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i have a plant that has the staggeted branches, 1 left then 1 right. i tried topping and only got one shoot 3 times. will these type plants normally get same results? ie. 2 mains.
Aha!!! I have the exact issue you asked about
Here we go, fine tip scissors, take your time
This is the plant/pic, with her not growing symmetrical, i might not get the proper growth, but i will see this thru to the end!!!
full garden shot...
@fomlyzor , heres where i, along with some of the other members, continue to document Mainlining/fluxing and other high stress training techniques such as topping ,fimming and the other variations of these...
Since im waiting on my roots ill keep stretching this one along the pipes of the system haha. Ill have a long monster

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Heres one I started brother

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Awesome, i have used an LST style bend in the past and still do, its a very good method as well...and your pics prove that point!! With the mainline technique, its better imo to have all the cuts done by the time it hits stretch, but everybody has a different spin on it, a technique will be as good as the time you put mastering it! some get lucky and have great luck roght from the start .me, its always a work in progress