A couple of clones from em I have outside

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Lookin pretty monstrous!! Thatsa nice looking plant right there!!! TY for the welcome back, sending a welcome back to you as well.. welp, im ready to beat up some plants, changed my mind and will mainline all four of them( pic in just a bit) ...
i have a plant that has the staggeted branches, 1 left then 1 right. i tried topping and only got one shoot 3 times. will these type plants normally get same results? ie. 2 mains.
i have a plant that has the staggeted branches, 1 left then 1 right. i tried topping and only got one shoot 3 times. will these type plants normally get same results? ie. 2 mains.
Yes, but sometimes things happen.. i will show plenty of pics with my training and welcome all members to follow along and train their plants in real time.. there is a whole new group of members who mainline and generally beat the hexk out of their plants, all with awesome results too... @Green75 , you or any of your crew getting ready to start anything?? This thread is open to you guys as well @autobeast i havent seen you for a bit, you okay??
@FastBuds toni !!! Nothing you havent alread seen, but wanted to welcome you to the HST training thread..

thar she be!!!! 2-4-6-8 oh this plants gonna be great!!!
Both crystal meth plants were mainlined.. the other two stayed fimmed!!!
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I got a bit behind so the next cut to = 4 tops will be tomorrow.. hey @arty zan are you gonna train your next lot??? I am getting ready for a mass mephisto grow sept 1
Your welcome brother . shit we get along great. It took me awhile to build the system but im actually happy with the end results. And ty that's one of them. Here is a couple more,dude they getting huge out there haha. They 4 ft tall each so far and have three months left haha

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I got a couple up in coming..be a few days yet before I do any topping..
I got a bit behind so the next cut to = 4 tops will be tomorrow.. hey @arty zan are you gonna train your next lot??? I am getting ready for a mass mephisto grow sept 1
Yeah there's gonna be some lst and if they don't behave some hst :naughtystep:too!
I plant top top them at 5th node to get more main colas. I want to try mainlining but I have enough changes in the grow that I just don't want to add any more variable right now.
I'll also transplant at sex to help stop too much stretch and keep them under 60 -70 cm, Double Grape normally goes between 80 - 100 cm according to the Mephisto blurb.
I am however using the autopot system with air domes in the bigger 15liter pots. I usually use the 8.5 liter autopots but with hand watering.
so the plants may want to go mental ( something I know might happen so there may be some defoliation too)!
Mitch recons 9 plants in 11 liter pots is a good number in a 1M x 1M space, I have 3 plants in a 60CM x 100CM space so hoping my guess is ok.
I think mitch uses "light mix" with is biotabs so my coco mix with GS2 growstones in autopot system may produce bigger plants, that's just hydro for you eh?
So many new variables, I'll just have to be flexible and learn from any cock ups.
Saying that it might just go like a dream and if not, I have enough years behind me to be flexible and throw what ever techniques I have in my arsenal to correct any deviation from my original plan!
I took the summer of from growing and it is something I will do every year from now on, it gives me a nice break and I don't have to fight summer temps.
I still have plenty of herb from my last grow and it should see me through to the next crop!
I certainly can't wait to see you do a major Mephisto run, the world is catching on to Mitch's work on other forums but here is where they really got their start and recognition of how amazing their strains are.
Bud I know u chop the crap outta yours. Not sure if I told u how I grow . I never top mine I bend em over and let em grow. Tie down where needed. I usually end up with a minimum of 36 main colas. I dunno if u seen the end of what I was doing before. Ill try to download some pics and post for you.

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i have a plant that has the staggeted branches, 1 left then 1 right. i tried topping and only got one shoot 3 times. will these type plants normally get same results? ie. 2 mains.
Hey yoda, was this an auto or photo?? When plants start to flower( or sometimes show preflowers,) the tips/colas/terminals will start to grow non/symmetrical, it can still be topped, but yes it might not grow two branches.. I would top/mainline/HST earlier like 12-17 days or 3-5 nodes, some grow fastwr than others and for a long time i would only use the biggest fastest healthiest plant, now just whatever.. it does feel good to be back in control.. these last four months of watching paint dry, have been killing me with boredom