Moved the light up, it was too close to the plants and the strong light was too much for them.
Some of the new growth wasn't happy, ah well , I'll put it down to experience with this new COB and it;s silicone lenses.
They are all starting to put out pom poms except the bottom left which is just being slower than the rest.
Bottom middle if the furthest ahead, with bottom right (sati pheno) coming up close behind.
Moved the light up, it was too close to the plants and the strong light was too much for them.
Some of the new growth wasn't happy, ah well , I'll put it down to experience with this new COB and it;s silicone lenses.
They are all starting to put out pom poms except the bottom left which is just being slower than the rest.
Bottom middle if the furthest ahead, with bottom right (sati pheno) coming up close behind.
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I believe the lenses can really focus some intense light. Cobs are wicked!
I believe the lenses can really focus some intense light. Cobs are wicked!

Yeah man, I was watching growmau5 and when he's going over appropriate COB placement for grow size and he is measuring PAR... Omg never has light spread and avoiding a hot spot been so critical in lighting for your grow. They're just so efficient and powerful!
So here's an update on my supercrop (right?).

Inquiry: IYE, which one of these methods exudes the best results? Or is it difficult to compare due to other factors and experiments?

Zombie4 pix, zombafter pix:

This was 2 hours ago.

Here's a little trich pron:
