omigoodness you guys! I was out of comission for a long time. My son got attacked by a dog while on his bike, and his leg was shattered. needed surgery, we were in the hospital for a while... I've been so distracted taking care of him, I hadnt even checked this site. But last night I got a packet in the mail from Spain, and it was the seeds I requested for the HSO battle! Talk about a stroke of good luck, a little boost of good feelin, right on time! This is just the thing I need to get back on track and runnin full tilt! I'm dropping them RIGHT NOW, and will have a germ photo for you ASAP. What's the code? bah, ill try and find it. Anyways, guys, im BACK. no worries. as long as my SEEDS have not arrived too late, which im assuming im getting them at the same time as everyone else, then we are good to go!