Grim Reefer
Soaking & Sowing
To start things off the root riot cubes were soaked in a solution of bubbled temperate water and Canna's Rhizotonic.
The cubes soaked for 12 hours with a low EC and PH'd correctly.

The two root riot cubes were then gently squeezed to rid them of excess water and placed into a rooting tray.
The rooting tray was then placed inside the bottom of the propagator awaiting the seed.

Both seeds dropped and sank to the bottom of the glass in less than 12 hours after being soaked.

The seeds were carefully removed from the water and let to be aired for a few minutes.

After a few minutes the seeds were then ready to be placed into the root it cubes.
Using a tweezers the seeds were carefully placed into the holes in the cubes.

To cover the seed and to allow it to germinate in full darkness. The corner of the root it cube were simply torn off and used to cover the hole.

The lid was then placed on the propagator and set to the correct Environmental temperature and conditions.

Nutrient Solution:
- PH: 5.8
- EC: 0.3 ( Back-round EC)
- Temp: 19-20 C
- Lights On: 24-25 C
- Lights O
: 20-21 C
- RH%: 70-80%