Time to be Cured
Well after five days drying this bud is ready to be stored away and cured for a few months.
The smell of the bud is so amazing, i have never had bubblegum this good before.
Anytime I open up the jar the smell blows me away like its been cured for six months.
Im surprised at how tasty it is considering it was hydroponically grown.
I feel
CANNA Boost and the organic Super Anti - Root Rot Tea I brewed had a part to play with that.
Its one of those strains that taste exactly how it smells.
The stone is evenly balanced for me with a nice high and lovely head effect.
The bud quality is ok but thats my fault and not strain dependent.
There are so many factors and things i would have done differently this grow and i would love the chance grow out this strain again and show off her true full potential. But at the same time id love to try out these S.O.D.K. seeds i have here too.
Total yield came in at 75g of small but dense bud.
I have already given a good bit to my patients and they love it.
I know this strain has really great potential for massive yields and its quite obvious from the way she grows.
Massive and tall and she can bush out something serious especially if you induced some low stress training.
HubbaBubbasmelloscope we shall meet again very soon and i hope to see some serious production next time.