Grow Mediums How to Breed Beneficial Microbes for DWC Root Slime Cure aka Heisenberg Tea

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Yeah this is a good read - will definitely be using in my future grows. Thanks for that link Red I'll be grabbing some great white soon..tea is the way forward it seems! :peace:
IMHO, overpriced, does not deliver, and I hate the way they market.

1. Ive just wrestled with 50 litres of tea and filters. What a pain trying to pour it through some cloth. I used a sieve with a torn up piece of T shirt but that took Sooo long I gave up. Then I found some worn out old dusters. Much thinner cloth and filtered much faster but with all the worm castings they got clogged and blocked quickly. I did it all but I am wondering if there is a better way for my next batch. Any pointers?

2. Once I poured most of my brew through the sieve, there was a few litres left in the bottom of my bin where lots of worm castings had settled/gathered. I filled the bin back up with RO water, left the old worm castings in there and started another brew (adding molasses + bacteria powder). Is this OK to do? I fiqure there will be loads of bacteria in the few litres left over and why not go again. Right or wrong?

Im following Groffs recipe - as below

The general idea is to make an Ibiza style nightclub for Bacteria. Lets call it "La Bacteria Loca"

1 - get bucket, for your system I would say you need about 40L, the usual household ones are 20...

2 - Pump up the jam! Insert airstones, hook up the airpump and get the groove on! The more the better. Get the dancefloor going...

3 - Chloride is added to municipal water to kill nasties, so if you can let it bubble for 24h, if in a rush, drop 5-6 cup fulls of worm casting per 20L, free floating and dancing around the bucket. Worm castings has both bacteria, and nice extra minerals the plants will love, so its better to evaporate the chloride before this. Not an issue if using RO water

4 - Make the best effort to keep water at 21ºC (+/- 2ºC) - best reproduction condition for bacteria

5 - 24h after adding the worm castings in, at least 12-24h of bubbling the chloride away, add 2 or 3 tea spoons of bacteria into the mix. This will make the dance-floor very lively with some exotic aerobic dancers...

6 - Drop in 3 tablespoons of unsulphured blackstrap molasses. This is the equivalent of raining ecstasy pills over 'yer typical young horny 20 year olds. The bacteria will go completely bananas over it. They'll feed on that and reproduce like rabbits.

7 - 24h later, you should should see some foam accumulating at the top. This is EXCELLENT!! The bacteria are coming in masses, pun intended. And because we are in emergency root saving mode and not preventative mode, add 2 or 3 teaspoons of bacteria in there AGAIN, plus another 3 tablespoons of molasses (or 100% natural honey) - BUT - wait 24h for the molasses to get consumed. This party will be one heck of a party!

8 - 24 later, you should see a LOT more foam accumulation at the top. Success!! Party almost over - should sell nice and earthy, caramel-ly, woody, you know... nice and foresty, sweet beer even... It must smell pleasant, even if confusing.

9 - If you bought fungi in powder, now is the time to drop some in, 4 tea spoons per 20L. Stop the airpump after 15 minutes. Drain the liquid and remove solids (use panties or a strainer). I prefer panties 'cos I'm slightly kinky and I get an excuse to check my girl's legs ... (but then I have to get her new ones and that really boring... so up to you)

10 - Get your filtered 40L, drop 2 cups per netpot, and straight in 30L... keep around 10L for the next few days, in the fridge! It will be good for about 5 to 10 days. Smell is of the essence. Should smell caroty, fruity, woody. If it smells farty, socky, arm-pitty .... its off, throw it away.

11 - Drop 1 cup per day over the netpot, which is where most bacteria manages to survive the longest, until you're out.

12 - start making more tea!! One thing is prevention, the other is a full-on fight against slime and root rot !

Recommendations. Bad bacteria (anaerobic), the ones that cause slime and rot, also LOVE sugar. So less is more!!! You dont want sugar going in to the main system, but eaten up and depleted by the aerobic bacteria (oxygen loving bacteria) while making tea. No way to actually know, so use this advice as thumbnail direction;

- Basically, the whole process takes 2 to 3 days tops. Take notes. The more foam vs less sugars you use, the better.

- As all nightclubs, "La Bacteria Loca", should have minimal light, if not total dark.

- Water temp is CRUCIAL for bacterial development. The more near to 21ºC, the less sugar needed in the tea. But dont stress too much with this recipe. If you manage to get some nice foam going, you've got a MASSIVELY HUGE army of good guys, and they're 99% guaranteed to win by numbers. But, one battle may not be enough. Start brewing more as soon as you finish one round.

- When you drop the filtered tea in (dont want to funk up the pumps!), it is natural the pH will rise. Let it for a day or two. It may or may not drop naturally down, but just let it go. 2 days after, if needed, pH correct. What I usually do is actually take water from the system, fully loaded with the bad guys, as the base water for making tea. This will vastly improve performance as you will naturally breed anaerobic-specific predating species and already has a lowered starting pH, which also helps in the end.

- STOP USING H202 !! ;) It kills everything then the bad guys can come in and win.

TAKE PICTURES !! Don't be shy! By error and sharing we learn, adapt, adopt and improve! And the best resource for you to look back into 6 months, 1 or 2 years, and actually improve massively. Learn which advice was good or not, what you did good or not etc. Brilliant resource. Love this forum.

OH !! Almost forgot... beneficial tea brewing with worm casting in the mix WILL stain your roots. New growth should always be sparkly white, and you should see that 2 to 3 days after dropping the tea in. But as the roots mature, they will get stained to a beige or even slight maroon tone. This is expected.
thanks for reposting True :Sharing One:Im brewing some right now !.Hope your girls fully recover man
Thanks DW :)
I did 2 x 50l brews as you have without earth worm castings (last week). Ive no idea what a good or bad brew is and to be honest had given up on my plants.
I was full on toys out the pram sulking! I only kept the room turned on as I wanted to take some cuttings.
Anyway after being in a mood for a few days and ignoring the ladies they turned the corner!!

So res change this weekend with fresh RO water (just bought an RO system) and my Groff brew with the worm castings went in yesterday.
12 hours with no nutes, just the brew and then A & B House & Garden Aqua Flakes.
The light brew you suggested really did the trick so fingers crossed the new improved version does the same.

How are you planning on filtering the crap out the mix?
Mate its a pain in the bollock trust me :)
My next 50l brew is underway, this time Ive put the earth worm castings in a stocking and hung it in my container like a tea bag.
Im not fucking about filtering again. So far so good but how does anyone know whether this is right or not?
Same for the finished brew, I cant see whats in there. I suppose its only a success when the results say so.
Thanks DW :)
I did 2 x 50l brews as you have without earth worm castings (last week). Ive no idea what a good or bad brew is and to be honest had given up on my plants.
I was full on toys out the pram sulking! I only kept the room turned on as I wanted to take some cuttings.
Anyway after being in a mood for a few days and ignoring the ladies they turned the corner!!

So res change this weekend with fresh RO water (just bought an RO system) and my Groff brew with the worm castings went in yesterday.
12 hours with no nutes, just the brew and then A & B House & Garden Aqua Flakes.
The light brew you suggested really did the trick so fingers crossed the new improved version does the same.

How are you planning on filtering the crap out the mix?
Mate its a pain in the bollock trust me :)
Well thanks to your PM & Groffs ravin how to lol, I got some castings & have made up a proper brew as well my friend ! .Its in the res now & I'll keep you updated .I brewed in a spare oxypot 20L bucket & drained it out of the water level indicator (blue tube on the side) ...though a net curtain folded 3 times into another bucket :grin: cought all the crap but filtered instantly ! Nice

castings in a stocking is a good way True .I found they all floated & thought about submerging the next lot in something for a better poop ratio !:xlaugh: