Indoor How long so I keep seedlings under cfls

Awesome good to know my closet runs a little warm with the hps on I have a cool tube on the way . The temps get to around 87 88 in the heat of the day I also am in Florida so it's not easy to cool my house down . Are the higher temps going to be a problem with the seedlings thanks for any advice
you know that ain't so bad if ya grow sativa, my room stays at 90F and i swear they love it...the few indicas i've grown, not so much. but really if thats as high as it gets it shouldn't cause a problem...
Cool I have been looking into super Cali haze funny you say that about sativas can't wait
Man seals be careful man. Florida is like super anti Cannabis. I was reading your laws out there and they are super extreme.
Good Karma your way man, keep it stealth keep it safe.
Oh yea Sativa's do like higher heat, but look at where they are normally bred from. Hot climates. Indica's minus Afghan and maybe Tomato plant(Aus) are grown in cooler more temperate climates. With Sativa's I'd suggest blooming under your MH. I'm not sure if it works for Auto Sativa's but I know for Photo Sativa's if its any Sativa not from Africa or the middle east I use MH to better simulate that areas peak/sunset. My end result was always better than running HPS. Idk just my opinion....
thanks for the info z3ro i have read allot of the laws here in FL and they are really extreme but i am stuck here as of now so i have to deal with the law and the heat . But i always keep a super low profile when i am growing . i have already bought some indicas so i am going to give them a try like i said this is my first auto grow and i am really stoked to get started especially after all the reading i have been doing on the awesome AFN . but hopefully the DP autoblueberrys and the Paradise Vertigos do ok at least untill things start to cool of in the next month or so i am still debating which sativas to try any suggestions thanks again