Starting a seed today in [HASHTAG]#10[/HASHTAG] airpot. Two 650g bricks pure unammended no perlite no nothing on the bottom and ewc and composted old soil on the top no mix. Got interested in coco when I saw what my worms could do with it. So, just an experiment. Coco on top is a fungus gnat factory. And I already know my seeds start great and grow really well for the first month in my home made organic soil. But it takes forever to break down after the grow, and I want to reuse the old soil, so I figured pure coco on the bottom about maybe 5 gallons and then 2 gallons of ewc and compost on top where I will plant the seed. ????? Just another one of those ideas of mine. aw shucks, started early this Sunday morning, want to talk but that's about it. I'll see how it goes. It all started on AFN when another poster linked me to a discussion on 24/0 vs 20/4, which I disagreed with, but then he started talking about spoon feeding and after watching all the Harley Smith NPK utubes I got the idea.
Then end idea is to use the old used coco after just one time of growing in it and use that for worm bedding. So the bottom will be virgin coco and the top will be the old coco after the worms get done with it.