New Grower How do you germinate?

How do you germinate ??

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So far the most successful method for me has been to pop a seed directly into rockwool that's been PH'd/soaked and then set under a 45W CFL. Out of seven seeds I've lost three to the soak in a cup of water and paper towel methods. The others did germinate but weren't strong enough to make it longer than a few days.
I do a 3 step system and out of 18 seeds only 1 didnt germinate.

Step 1. Add a tiny bit of HB-101 to a little glass of tap water (HB-101 is a japanese product like superthrive)

Step 2. Leave in glass of water with hb-101 for 12-14 hours.. Then put in damp paper towel in ziploc baggie.

Step 3. Most important part IMO.. Place your paper towel in ziploc on a warm spot (If you leave on not warm spot it may never sprout).

The 2 things I use for a warm spot that work perfect are these... A Satellite DVR Box or a Router for DSL internet.

Usually have .5 inch taproot within 36 hours. Then I just plant into 100% fox farm ocean forest soil and mist with spray bottle.

Thats it. and it works!