Mephisto Genetics House of Dreams. Illuminauto Edition

I’m really high on this friggin Creme Bubbly. And this is like turbo dried so I could try it and it’s knockin my socks off. Here are a couple up close shots way to go yet again @mephisto
U got me super stoked to soak some. I'm about 10-14 days from my first mephisto strain coming down (blue toof) and she smells amazing. Almost like garlic and a funky cheese.
But I’m all healed up now with almost no scaring.
Next time wrap all of the burns in gauze/cheese cloth with HONEY. Yes honey plenty of honey, within minutes the pain is reduced to nothing and it takes care of the blistering. I found this out when LSU was paid to do research on the best way workers at the oil refinery could immediately treat burns while on the job. It works, all you need to do is remember and do it.