Hopper Labs Live Interview.Current Live Stoners Gossip

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@Hopper Labs

How long doe the Grasshopper take to heat up?
What it the best way to use the Grasshopper lots of small sips or big rips?
@Hopper Labs i know there is a lot of cross talk so... Can you get these into canada hassle free?

That's a great point. Maybe we need a loner program? I am sure you would have no problem selling one if you did buy one and not like it.

Along those lines, we really try to personally help any customer who is having issues with the device. It is rare that people really just flat out don't like it, especially if they are coming from smoking.

Send me an email if you are serious about trying one! trevor@grasshoppervape.com
That right there is customer service :slap:
Have some of this and thank you for the fine answer
@Hopper Labs so far how are you liking this interview?? Is there anything we can do to make it better??
I have been looking at vaporizers for a while now , I have no experience with any of them at all , now this one of yours would be just dandy for me . I watched some of the reviews and was very impressed with the quality of you pen . Just one question - how long to does it take to recharge the battery .
40-60 mins bud(in my experience) with a wall plug(cant remember using my lappy, drip drip=Annoying! :biggrin: Although it can be hit while on charge! :thumbsup:. Batteries run pretty cheap(pricewise), so buy a couple of extras when purchasing! :thumbsup:(sorry if I jumped in on that one bro!) :pass:
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