Hopper Labs Live Interview.Current Live Stoners Gossip

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Ahhh @Starbreaker i was saying i am doing good good and i dont have work tomorrow..
A huge Penguin style Welcome guys,

so glad you all turned up for a group session, if you know what I mean, ahem !

What is the daftest question you have ever been asked ?
(apart from this one)

Our team has known each other for a really long time! Matt and myself, Trevor, are the founders and have known each other since highschool. We always thought we would start a company together. We worked on UAVs for agriculture before designing and producing the Grasshopper. It has been a wild ride full of challenges, but we are working to build the best hardware out there.
Do you and Matt vape with the grasshopper?
Our team has known each other for a really long time! Matt and myself, Trevor, are the founders and have known each other since highschool. We always thought we would start a company together. We worked on UAVs for agriculture before designing and producing the Grasshopper. It has been a wild ride full of challenges, but we are working to build the best hardware out there.
That's awesome you guys have known each other for so long and stuck together. That's got to make things nice and easy to have that relationship with your co workers and to all share that same drive!
What motivated you guys most to step up and do this? What were other products failing that you guys made perfect in your vape to stand out from the rest?
@Hopper Labs , what could you telll someone who hasn't yet bought a vape for dry herb?

Thanks for coming to visit afn!

You should be careful what you buy! There are a ton of options out there and a lot of cheap stuff that could be really bad for you. Do you research. Obviously, we are bias toward the hopper. We use only the safest materials available to us and packed in a ton of great features. Vapes have a bad name for being "weak" and not providing you the same effects. This is not the Grasshopper. A smoker will have a better transition to vaping with the Grasshopper than anything else.
Almost there! On the last wall w/door, then the roof, then to set everything back up. Was gonna wait until tomorrow but why put it off got plenty of time... just need to get it all done before I go to sleep lol (8x8x7.5)

Take your time. You'll be bored shitless when it's all finished..!
I've just finished my growshed, and I'm already fidgety, I have powertool wihdrawl symptoms now as a result ...
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