Hopper Labs Live Interview.Current Live Stoners Gossip

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Hey Guy! We have a good crew here today to answer any of your questions. Trevor, Matt, Caroline, and Nicole are all around the office. I'll be sharing your questions aloud for everyone to give their input. Thanks for having us on!

If you need more info check us out at:


smiley-rolling-joint (1).gif


@Hopper Labs !!!


For hanging out with us today!
Hey Guy! We have a good crew here today to answer any of your questions. Trevor, Matt, Caroline, and Nicole are all around the office. I'll be sharing your questions aloud for everyone to give their input. Thanks for having us on!

If you need more info check us out at:

after checking out your website i'm very impressed with your matertials and precission manufacturing, how long did it take you guys to build the first unit?
@Hopper Labs , what could you telll someone who hasn't yet bought a vape for dry herb?

Thanks for coming to visit afn!
And ill play a choon hey @Rebel Up The Irons bro!!
@Hopper Labs can you take a miunute to tell us how your team met and what drove them to create the Grasshopper ??

Our team has known each other for a really long time! Matt and myself, Trevor, are the founders and have known each other since highschool. We always thought we would start a company together. We worked on UAVs for agriculture before designing and producing the Grasshopper. It has been a wild ride full of challenges, but we are working to build the best hardware out there.
Hopper Labs: what is the story behind the name "Grasshopper"?
Morning Everyone!

I am going to start germming the rest of my gear today, I am giving the plants in the dream farm until the new ones pop their heads up, I think I have lost probably 80-90% of them though. So on to the next round, but this time I will have the temps and cO2 thing figured out. So up next it will be HBBSS,SODKxFantasmo,Walter Indica,White Chem, Cheese XXL, SugarBaker, Six Shooter,Purple something from fastbuds, and Sister Discipline Lets get back at it!
That's an exciting round of strains!!!
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