Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

Looks like the Growbog will be making an appearance ?
What's in the bigginz?

They're my 3Ls m8 for the SoG lol.. Here ya go.. U may recognise them now..
So that was a bollox have to say.. most were proper heavy wet when they went in but I cracked on anyway as it needed done.. some of my wee lecters were overwatered in those wee starter pots so couldn't wait any longer.. the plagron they went into was all but dry having been opened a week ago and I haven't watered anything since transplant because they went in wet.. not sure that's the right call but feel like I'll overwater the lot if i water them now so it'll be tomorrow morning.. unless i feel they need when I look in later of course.. I won't do the starter pot start again.. absolutely don't wanna fk shit up this early or it fks the whole grow up.. fingers crossed.. but starter pots are tried and will not be repeated.
That's more like it. It was hard to tell the size. :rofl: I thought you were growing some monster's in the bog.:rofl:
you will get maximum yield from this grow dude. No wee teeny toty plant's . You may be removing some branches or even wrapping some string round them like I do. :d5: . Good luck on this ride mate .:pop::woohoo::clapper:
So that was a bollox have to say.. most were proper heavy wet when they went in but I cracked on anyway as it needed done.. some of my wee lecters were overwatered in those wee starter pots so couldn't wait any longer.. the plagron they went into was all but dry having been opened a week ago and I haven't watered anything since transplant because they went in wet.. not sure that's the right call but feel like I'll overwater the lot if i water them now so it'll be tomorrow morning.. unless i feel they need when I look in later of course.. I won't do the starter pot start again.. absolutely don't wanna fk shit up this early or it fks the whole grow up.. fingers crossed.. but starter pots are tried and will not be repeated.

At least it's done now mate. Have a joint and relax.

Straight to final pots from now on??

That's more like it. It was hard to tell the size. :rofl: I thought you were growing some monster's in the bog.:rofl:
you will get maximum yield from this grow dude. No wee teeny toty plant's . You may be removing some branches or even wrapping some string round them like I do. :d5: . Good luck on this ride mate .:pop::woohoo::clapper:
Thanks m8.. Thought you were just out of scale lol looking forward to this one.. if we get past seedling stage here!!
So that was a bollox have to say.. most were proper heavy wet when they went in but I cracked on anyway as it needed done.. some of my wee lecters were overwatered in those wee starter pots so couldn't wait any longer.. the plagron they went into was all but dry having been opened a week ago and I haven't watered anything since transplant because they went in wet.. not sure that's the right call but feel like I'll overwater the lot if i water them now so it'll be tomorrow morning.. unless i feel they need when I look in later of course.. I won't do the starter pot start again.. absolutely don't wanna fk shit up this early or it fks the whole grow up.. fingers crossed.. but starter pots are tried and will not be repeated.
Great you are getting grips on you're style dude . Perfect learning what you like and don't like .too tums up:thumbsup::thumbsup: