Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

The white strain I use is like bubblegum and I'm making pure bubblegum at the moment. Good call mate . I was thinking maybe GELATO will add to that flavour profile nice.

Mmm. Bubblegum.

The gelato41 auto from Seedstockers had a boiled sweets quality to it, grew and yielded well. I'll be growing it again for definite.

Day 5.. closer look..

Slaughtered Lamb in Plagron LM..

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Small Lecter in Plagron LM..

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Mix of both in Westland Mix.. SLambs have wee white tabs on pot edges.. the 4 on the left..

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Gonna get ya.. gonna get ya.. gonna get ya.. its comin on strong.. as that old classic dance song goes lol lizard.. that's the one.

Ahhhhhh.. Saturday morning Skoosh for brekkers.. living the dream these days friends :smoking: :wiz:
Looking good bro! Off to a good start.
Nice to see more people are growing SOG.
Gonna get most if not all of The Chosen into their 3L pots throughout the day here.. 3 ready so far..

Wee tent will look proper soggy by tonight.