Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

Gutted the fuckers never turned up bro that's always the problem if your a Tennant and I've had to deal with these issues myself at a time .anyhow stay safe my brother
I use a full lemon worth of juice a day, I sware this info is on point. Nice one by the way.
Oh my fucking GOD..... use a metal straw mate, or your teeth will melt away.
You'll lose all the support at the back and end up looking like Les Dawson.

Having said that, lemon juice alkanalises the system (hard to explain why an acid can alkanalise you, but anyway), so I agree it has positive health benefits... very popular in Byron Bay, and I have to say the locals were a very healthy bunch in general. Their teeth were fucked though.
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Haven't put much of these on here.. USA Kush.. released as Bourbon Kush from SSSC seeds.. these were free for a grow and show.. I'm sure there's been a few pics in this thread.. anyway..

Day 80 for the rest of this girl. Chopped. Main stems were taken maybe 4/5 days ago.