Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

Thanks m8.. These are the first plants I've grown in coco so I'm really just trying to get the hang of feeding as compared to soil.. amount and frequency of feeds when they're small is where I've been struggling.

Ah, got it. So judging by photos, it looks like you could use a little more perlite in your mix. But that’s a side note.

When they’re young like that, I’ll generally feed them about a quart/liter of water, maybe with some recharge in it for about the first week. And wait for the “soil” to get a little dry before I water again. Not really bothering much with PH at this point.

Around the end of the first week, I’ll keep the same watering schedule, but I’m using about 20% nutes. I’m checking PH a bit now. And slowly expanding my watering circle towards the edge of the pot. I’m monitoring how long it takes to dry out, and then I’ll water again.

Mid second week, I’m feeding a little stronger - maybe around 30-40% strength- and I can see that she’s starting to get a little more hungry. So maybe I’m feeding about 1/2 gallon/ 2 liters. Watering as far to the edge of the pot as I can with the water I have. No runoff usually, but maybe a little.

I’m still letting the soil get a little dry, but not totally dry, between watering. And by the end of week 2, I feed one gallon/4 liters of around 50% nutes. This should water all the way to the edge and there’s going to be runoff.

In week 3 is when I start to get to 100% nutes, and start feeding more often and always to runoff. But still may go a day or so between feedings. You can tell by how fast she hits runoff as to how often you feed. I’m always checking PH now going forward.

In week 4, I’m likely feeding her once a day pretty much every day, and you’ll notice that it takes longer to hit runoff with each feed.

Before you know it, she’ll take the entire gallon and then some.

I generally only feed once a day.
FYI - I'm noticing that Glue Sniffer seems to be a bit soft. Kind of a slower performer so far. And maybe needs a gentle touch on the nutes to start. I've got her in a 7 gallon. Looking at yours, mine looks a little smaller but very similar. I think mine is a week younger. I stripped all of that lower, tiny leaf growth at the bottom that starts getting all clumped up, and she's starting looking a little stronger.
FYI - I'm noticing that Glue Sniffer seems to be a bit soft. Kind of a slower performer so far. And maybe needs a gentle touch on the nutes to start. I've got her in a 7 gallon. Looking at yours, mine looks a little smaller but very similar. I think mine is a week younger. I stripped all of that lower, tiny leaf growth at the bottom that starts getting all clumped up, and she's starting looking a little stronger.

Thanks dude.. Yea shes the one I fed too heavy so shes showing some well frazzled tips.. she is very compact.. I intended to top her but lookin in there now it would be like keyhole surgery to her snipped.. I get the feeling shes about to start moving slightly quicker.
Thanks dude.. Yea shes the one I fed too heavy so shes showing some well frazzled tips.. she is very compact.. I intended to top her but lookin in there now it would be like keyhole surgery to her snipped.. I get the feeling shes about to start moving slightly quicker.

It's funny you mention topping, because just today I was thinking if this is how mine looks today at day 15, how TF can I top her within the week or so? I can't even get enough nodes on her to do it. Not counting that messy clump of baby leaves that I stripped off either. We shall see I guess. I keep saying that one day I will NOT top a plant, maybe this will be the one?
It's funny you mention topping, because just today I was thinking if this is how mine looks today at day 15, how TF can I top her within the week or so? I can't even get enough nodes on her to do it. Not counting that messy clump of baby leaves that I stripped off either. We shall see I guess. I keep saying that one day I will NOT top a plant, maybe this will be the one?

Ive just noticed that mine is 21 days old today so if shes to be topped its getting about time.. I'll have a good look tomorrow.. I only intended to top to keep the height down but at this rate that may not be necessary.
The aforementioned sssc pics.. USA Kush.. day 18.. one topped today the other 2 probably tomorrow.. very fast movers.. 5 sets of nodes in 18/19 days..