Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

I'm using AN sensi base nutes m8.. always do with no problems.. or very few anyway.. my temps are regularly 28/29 and at times hit 30 with basically no air movement or ventilation.. Im no scientist but i think that's prime for a shitty res with pH that even ANs pH perfect can't keep in range.. thats my guess anyway.. comin off the res ASAP.. in fact coming out of the autopot tray now to start.

Its always something isnt it?
Do you have an air stone in the res? Would that help the situation?
Bad news Bro... I've seen that tiger striping before, Copper deficiency!??? WTF And as you say, probably a whole load more... lock out?
Anyway, I think flushing and checking the run off EC goes below what you are wanting to feed her, before you feed her, will work. S'gonna take at least 3-4 days off her.
I know every game's a hard one these days, but the Bees??? ....should be a goal bonanza!
Bad news Bro... I've seen that tiger striping before, Copper deficiency!??? WTF And as you say, probably a whole load more... lock out?
Anyway, I think flushing and checking the run off EC goes below what you are wanting to feed her, before you feed her, will work. S'gonna take at least 3-4 days off her.
I know every game's a hard one these days, but the Bees??? ....should be a goal bonanza!
Bad news Bro... I've seen that tiger striping before, Copper deficiency!??? WTF And as you say, probably a whole load more... lock out?
Anyway, I think flushing and checking the run off EC goes below what you are wanting to feed her, before you feed her, will work. S'gonna take at least 3-4 days off her.
I know every game's a hard one these days, but the Bees??? ....should be a goal bonanza!

Yea m8.. shit break but there it is.. I think lockout tbh.. gonna flush today.. im sure she'll still produce but she'll look like pure shit til the end and that'll piss me off lol anyway.. salvageable I'm sure..

Don't wanna tempt fate on the game.. ahhhhh OK then.. we should do thesuns 6/7 hahaha I believe they like to have a go.. I hope they do :biggrin: :jointman: I'll be sitting down with a cold one for it anyway.
Grow shop visited..

No soil purchased :thumbsup: let's go coco
Big job on in the grobog shortly.. all the Sawney_bean babies to get potted.. been lookin forward to this all week lol fkn love this game :jointman: and now the toof decay to flush as well.. and get that light up another few inches to max height over the white widow.. pics tonight.. Liverpool game at half 5.. be lucky to see it. Just fell asleep in the car waitin for the missiz in the butchers.. wrecked :smoking:
Big job on in the grobog shortly.. all the Sawney_bean babies to get potted.. been lookin forward to this all week lol fkn love this game :jointman: and now the toof decay to flush as well.. and get that light up another few inches to max height over the white widow.. pics tonight.. Liverpool game at half 5.. be lucky to see it. Just fell asleep in the car waitin for the missiz in the butchers.. wrecked :smoking:
I love growing Sawneys strains. Can’t wait to grow more. Your gonna be a busy boy. Your widow is looking great :bow: