Rocky Mountain...High
Day 37
Temp Range: 73.9° - 86°
Humidity Range: 34% - 49%
Solution PH: 6.1
Soil PH: (shallow) 6.7 (Deep) 6.4
Runoff PH: 7.0
So, I did what you recommended, and took shallow PH measurements, and deep PH measurements, and the odd thing is, the higher PH measurements were in the uppermarea of the soil. I stuckmthe meter in three different locations of the soil, took a shallow reading, then pushed the meter deeper for another reading. In each check, the shallow reading was 6.6 - 6.7, and the deeper reading were pretty much spot on 6.4, so there is a difference in the PH of the soil that is closer to the surface, and the PH of the soil that is much deeper. In this case, what should I do?
If you're 6.4 in the wet stuff and 6.6 in the top dry're wheelhouse my friend.
IMHO, I trust my soil gauge over what my run-off says. personally.