New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Is there a Ernie Pantuso here?
That's you Coach....

: )
Daaaaamn! Didn't know y'all knew about Cheers like that!
I think my Temps may have dried my buds a bit too quick. By the time the stem was snapping, the outer area of the buds were slightly brittle. I thought that after jarring them, there would be a change, but nope. Still waiting on the Boveda packs, and I think one of my little rug rats might've somehow got hold of, and lost, my hygrometer. Should I continue burping the jars daily, or leave the jars closed?
IMHO, you'll want to burp some to vent the chlorophyl...depending on how dry they get, the Bovedas will bring them back.

Seems like most of your buds are pretty fat, they probably have moisture in the cores.
Cool. The Bovedas should be here Tuesday at the latest. The buds aren't crispy brittle, just a tad bit brittle, but not to where they crumble. I'll continue to burp a couple times a day. On another note, I'm about to scarify a seed and drop it into a glass of distilled water. It's about time to get the grow cab cranked up again. I been buggin' out this last week with nothing growing in there!
Try over a month... :(
Should be fine bro, it'll make a heavy hitting smoke. How's the smell coming along??
IMHO, you'll want to burp some to vent the chlorophyl...depending on how dry they get, the Bovedas will bring them back.

Seems like most of your buds are pretty fat, they probably have moisture in the cores.

I agree with Trap here, if it's not too crisp and you didn't break the buds up for curing then I'd say you should be alright and that there should still be plenty of moisture in there, however if your really concerned about it you can drop a small piece of carrot or lettuce in there till your boveda packs come in to help re-hydrate, but I would still burp, maybe not as much or for as long, depending (not sure how long you do it each time or how often)

And... Get that shit started...
Try over a month... :(

Sheeeiiiiiiit! Damn, Trap! I don't know how you do it! From here on out, I hope I don't even go two weeks between grows! With the inline fan cut off, I'm like, "WTF?! I can't hear a damn thing growing!"

Should be fine bro, it'll make a heavy hitting smoke. How's the smell coming along??

The buds had more of a grassy/hay like smell yesterday, but not so much today. It's like the bud smell is making a comeback. Weird.

I agree with Trap here, if it's not too crisp and you didn't break the buds up for curing then I'd say you should be alright and that there should still be plenty of moisture in there, however if your really concerned about it you can drop a small piece of carrot or lettuce in there till your boveda packs come in to help re-hydrate, but I would still burp, maybe not as much or for as long, depending (not sure how long you do it each time or how often)

And... Get that shit started...

Left the buds nice n chunky big, and I burped them for about 10 minutes in the early part of the day, and later in the evening I gave them a short, minute long burp. Was worried about drying them out, so I made it quick. Yes sir! Germinating the seed even as I type this, sir!
Yes bandit sounds like you have your cure in hand! Its the part I'm a bit nervous about, im going to try the paper bag method so we can contain notes. I'll be looking out for your new journal! I need to order my next lot of seeds, will have to be a quick one I'll need my tent free for bam slam haha!