New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Hey dude just saw your entry into BOM/POM! Congrats dude, the photo you picked is killer. Best of luck hombre!

Trap with his puns..

LMFAO!! His timing was sweet though, right! Tried to stay straight faced, but couldn't help but laugh!

you "Thought Differently"?

:Haha: I must be a sucker for a good corny pun!

Brooo just saw the entry pic.... amazing bud well done. :drool:

Thanks, bro! You was the director, I just took the shot! :niceshot:

Hey dude just saw your entry into BOM/POM! Congrats dude, the photo you picked is killer. Best of luck hombre!


DREAD!! Thanks bro! I'm just doing my best to hang wit those monster sized buds that are also in the running! There's some serious green giants I'm up against!
Yeah man the competition is fierce for sure, but it's how we get to be the best! (Well maybe not best, but you know what I mean)

:Sharing One:
4sho! As they say, iron sharpens iron, and I'm tryin' to get rizza razor sharp!
Looking forward to throwing you some rep!
Thinking about it, BOM nomination is a pretty big deal. Brace yourself.... .
Trap, Dreadlow!! y'all are too much!! Thanks, fellaz! I caught the bug, yo! AFN got me infected with the grow bug, and I got it bad! I love it, though! I'm always thinking about how I can spend money I don't even have to improve my grow cab! Right now I'm about 12 hours away from my plant, and I've got a bad case of the nerves. Won't be able to see her until Sunday, and I'm freaking out!
She'll be fine dude! You know it, just relax and enjoy your weekend and she'll be right there waiting from you when you get back
:Sharing One: