New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Hey Man...
Bruh!! Color me shocked! When I read your congrats IM, my face was like :yoinks::jaw: Then I was like :dance2::woohoo::jump: and then I thought :crap:!! Seriously, I don't care if I win, or not! The thought of you guys even considering my buds good enough to be nominated has me high as I've ever been, and I haven't even smoked anything!! Thanks to all my AFN fam. You guys are the best, and that's real talk. I feel like I've won a Grammy for album of the year, and I'm just a nominee! You know what, though? Being a nominee means I've already won regardless of the results!
Congrats brother!! :goodluck: Hope u win!!
Thanks, JAYAR. I've told you before, and I'll tell you again. You're one of the reasons my plant is where she's at right now. Man, those times when I was thinking it was a wrap, and the grow was a failure, you'd get my head right, and provide me with details about your TD grow that would let me know everything was gonna be cool.
No problem my man cant wait till you chop her down so we can compare smells and whatnot. My TD was from a seed that was a couple of years old so I'm curious on the differences.
Oh snap that was my 420 post "AFN smoke out" lol
Well done bandit! Definitely well deserved! And Jayar, congrats on the 420 post lol
Thank you, kind sir. I am humbled by your kindness, and everyone else's. :thank: