Day 45
Temp Range: 70.3° - 88.3°
Humidity Range: 35% - 64%
pH of water: 6.3
pH of soil: 6.3
pH of runoff: 7.0
Just a quick update, folks. Nothing special. Gave her her first dose of sweetness today, at 2 ml of Blackstrap per ml of pH'd water. Seemed like it would be enough, but if it's not, feel free to holla back and let me know. Decided to try a two day wet cycle, where I water (molasses included) her the day after I feed her, then let her dry up, but not completely bone dry, before repeating. I know some of you have advised me to do otherwise, and I am not disregarding your advice, or your knowledge of growing, I just decided to try something I've been thinking about, and I hope no one who gave me advice takes this as any type of disrespect. I'm just exploring a bit, that's all. I still will continue to ask for advice and assistance, and I still appreciate the help.
I noticed my RH gets a bit high when the lights go off, and it cools down, which I find odd. For some reason, I thought the hotter it is, the higher the RH would be, but, what do I know? Anyhow, after seeing it climb into the mid 60's, I decided that this isn't the time for that, being that she's flowering and all, so I decided to make a DIY dehumidifier out of 2 medium sized take home containers from Cold Stone, a bit of screen, and some Epsom salt, which I'm thinking should serve the same purpose as rock salt. I know it's small, but so is my grow space, so we'll see how it works. Other than that, nothing to report, folks. If you see any holes in my plan, got any advice or tips, you know I wanna hear what you got to say. For now, I'm out. Y'all stay cool, and be eazy.
Well, the Epsom salt is too fine, and falls through the screen, so off to the store I go, on a late night run for some rock salt!