New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Went and picked up some Blackstrap Molasses today. Gonna rock these last 40 days, or so, out! It's been rough these last couple of weeks, but I'm confident me n my green girl will finish strong, cuz that's how we do!
Home stretch dude! It's all about attitude in regards to your scrog, but if it's any consolation, at least you've taught a few others (myself very much included) the same lessons you have learned. So thank you for that :)
You can do it man, from here out it'll become what it'll become and the best thing you can do is keep a gentle hand and measure twice cut once so to speak.
Home stretch dude! It's all about attitude in regards to your scrog, but if it's any consolation, at least you've taught a few others (myself very much included) the same lessons you have learned. So thank you for that :)

4sho, my man! I'm in here to learn all I can, and educate others in the great art of growing fine ganja in whatever small ways I can. If I've helped you or anyone else learn anything, I'm just doing my part to give a little something back. :pighug:
Looking great! Your TD is coming along much bushier than mine it seems. Maybe next time you upload pics, could we get one of the whole setup? I'd like to see the big picture, because it's a pretty cool cabinet. Keep up the great work!
You can do it man, from here out it'll become what it'll become and the best thing you can do is keep a gentle hand and measure twice cut once so to speak.

From here on out, "Measure twice, and cut once, while doing so with a gentle hand" is gonna be my motto. I'm gonna try my best to be mistake free, but if I do make any, which I probably will, I wanna make sure they are small mistakes, with minimal effect. I have a good feeling, though, so I'm sure I can do it. It feels so good to be past that "new parent" stage where I freak out, and stress about each and every mistake, or thing that goes wrong with her. This is so much more enjoyable when done with little to no stress

Looking great! Your TD is coming along much bushier than
mine it seems. Maybe next time you upload pics, could we get one of the whole setup? I'd like to see the big picture, because it's a pretty cool cabinet. Keep up the great work!

Thanks for the compliment on my girl, Doc. She's not as pretty as that perfect picture of health the you have, but I still love her, though! Man, I gotta get into the organics game with you guys! Y'all are killin' it!
Here's a couple pics of my cabinet. It started out as a $35 wardrobe from the thrift shop before I converted into my lil grow spot. I have my eye on this other wardrobe that measures 24" x42" x78", which makes it deeper, wider and taller than my current one. With those measurements, I could squeeze one, maybe two, more plants in, and the heat would be more manageable.
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That sure is a good looking setup! I wish I had that in my basement! I can't find anything that would work, but I haven't tried the thrift stores. I was thinking I would build another one, but if I can find something cheap like that, I'd be all over it!
Very nice. If it's possible, I'd recommend raising that panel higher. My Mars II raises the canopy temperature by quite a bit, according to the probe I keep next to my main cola. Raising it would lower your temps. For me, it also made my plants "open up" and branch out more.

But that's just my opinion, so by all means, continue to kick ass however you see fit.
That sure is a good looking setup! I wish I had that in my basement! I can't find anything that would work, but I haven't tried the thrift stores. I was thinking I would build another one, but if I can find something cheap like that, I'd be all over it!

Man, I was thinking of how I could save up to buy a grow box, and had been comparing prices, and one night I happened to be looking in the diy section, checking out diy carbon scrubbers. Then I thought, if people are making their own scrubbers, why can't we make our own cabs? Started googling, looking at some diy setups, and getting some ideas. Next day I started looking around thrift stores for a sizeable cabinet, almost settled on this small one, but decided to take a 20 minute trip to this one last thrift shop my sister told me she donates stuff to. Went there, found a few wardrobes to choose from, and it was on from there! I was kind of flying by the seat of my pants, and if you look at my earlier setup, it's quite obvious. Had the exhaust on the outside of the cab so I could have more height for the light, but JAYAR hit me off with a couple pointers and told me that putting it inside, and reversing the setup would drop the temps, which it did. Anyways, didn't mean to make a short story long, but the point I am trying to make is that if a no tool using brotha like me can make one, you can too. Look on Craigslist for armoires or wardrobes. I'm sure you'll find plenty

Very nice. If it's possible, I'd recommend raising that panel higher. My Mars II raises the canopy temperature by quite a bit, according to the probe I keep next to my main cola. Raising it would lower your temps. For me, it also made my plants "open up" and branch out more.

But that's just my opinion, so by all means, continue to kick ass however you see fit.

Thankful for that bit of advice, Doc, and I'll take it, too. Been wondering if the light was too high, or if it even needed to be a bit closer. Right after reading your post, I went and raised them up a good 6 inches off the canopy.
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