Afternoon Temp: 77°
Humidity: 63%
Light: FCE4800 18" @ 65%
Nutrients: 10ml/gal FOOP Veg 1&2+Sweetener
Some new yellowing on one of the bottom leaves of Muchacha #1. Also some discoloration on SNxPPs first leaves. All new growth looks healthy though. Anything I should be concerned about? Muchcha #2 has its first leaeves drooping to the ground, should I cut them? Gave them their second feeding with FOOP. Everything seems okay in general.
Humidity: 63%
Light: FCE4800 18" @ 65%
Nutrients: 10ml/gal FOOP Veg 1&2+Sweetener
Some new yellowing on one of the bottom leaves of Muchacha #1. Also some discoloration on SNxPPs first leaves. All new growth looks healthy though. Anything I should be concerned about? Muchcha #2 has its first leaeves drooping to the ground, should I cut them? Gave them their second feeding with FOOP. Everything seems okay in general.
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