New Grower Hog's First Grow

Day 14: Muchachas. Day 11: Forum Stomper + Strawberry Nuggets x Pink Panama
Days 14/11:
Morning Temp: 72°
Humidity: 67%
Light: 16" @ 40%
Nutrients: 5ml/gallon FOOP Veg 1&2 +Sweetener

It was a bit of a rough couple days for the seedlings. I didn't pay close attention to the fans in my tent and caused some wind burn. Might have slowed them down a bit and made them grow a little funky, but they're all still alive and growing. Just gave them their first FOOP feeding.



Muchacha #2

Strawberry nuggets x Pink Panama


Forum Stomper
Day 15: Muchachas Day 12: Forum Stomper + Strawberry nuggets x Pink Panama
Day 15/12
Afternoon Temp: 71°
Humidity: 63%
Nutrients: Will get foliar feeding at lights off with FOOP mist.

They seem to be responding well to my fan adjustments and the FOOP. All new growth on the last 30 hrs or so has been uniform in shape and color. In the pics you can see how the Muchachas were mutated from wind burn but seem to be on track now. SNxPP is dragging behind, but starting to look better each day. Forum Stomper is looking about perfect from what I can tell. Thanks for stopping by yall!
Muchacha #1

Muchacha #2

Strawberry nuggets x Pink Panama

Forum Stomper
On the 4th of July I started my own war of independence against fungus gnats. Likely from my overwatering the topsoil, I noticed a couple flying around and a few crawling in the soil of two pots. Bought some Neem spray and BTi mosquito dunks.

Sprayed the soil yesterday with Neem and sprinkled on the BTi today. Only saw two walkng in pots and none flying today. I've got the airflow setup so that it should dry the topsoil more quickly without causing the plant stress from windburn. Ordering some beneficial nematodes to complete my arsenal and act as a future deterent.
Infestation doesn't seem to be too bad and I'm confident I can take care of it, but any advice is definitely welcome!
@DCLXVI @DDubs @Dankerson @logangrowgan2020
The neem/bti is a good start. Have you got any of those yellow sticky bug traps? I'd set a few of those out to catch the few flying ones. You may also need to re-add the BTI a few times to break the life cycle and kill everything.

Gnatrol is powdered BTI. I used this one successfully. Pretty easy to mix into water, I think I got the 2oz pack and mixed it for a couple weeks to fully break the bugs/egg/larvae cycle.

These things: Just stick a couple in the pots and let them do their thing. I just googled yellow sticky bug house plant trap


Instructions on the BTI from the gnatrol page:

  • Application Instructions:

    *To be 100% effective 3 applications need to be made over 15 days.

    Apply once every 5 days to break the life cycle.


    1 teaspoon per gallon for an active light infestation.
    2 teaspoons per gallon for a medium infestation.
    3 teaspoons per gallon for a typical infestation.

    Apply it to the top 2 inches of soil as a drench every 5 days until the adults are not flying around anymore. Usually 15-20 days or less to fully eradicate them.

    Hydroponic application is the same mixture per gallon as soil but with a large reservoir it's easier to use weight per gallon over teaspoons:

    preventative use: 23- 46 grams per 25 gallons

    Light infestation: 1-1.5 ounces per 25 gallons

    Medium infestation: 2-3 ounces per 25 gallons

    Heavy infestation: 3.25 - 6.5 ounces per 25 gallon

  • *As in soil you need to add Gnatrol to your hydroponic tank three times total, once every 5 days to break their life cycle.
@DCLXVI Thanks for reminding me to get the yellow sticky traps. Ive forgotten to get them at the store the last two days! Wonder what could effect a person's memory like that ... lol. Gnatrol also looks better suited for this particular application vs mosquito dunks. Planning on alternating the neem and bti every 3 days or so. Appreciate the help
Day 17: Muchachas. Day 14: Forum Stomper + Strawberry Nuggets x Pink Panama
Afternoon Temp: 77°
Humidity: 62%
Light: FCE4800 20" above @ 45%

Looks like its off to the races now. All plants are speeding up growth considerably. They should be ready for another feeding either tomorrow or the next day.



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Day 18: Muchachas. Day 15: Forum Stomper + Strawberry Nuggets x Pink Panama
Evening Temp: 79°
Humidity: 67%
Light: FCE4800 20" @ 55%
Medium: Ocean Forest + Natures Living Soil Autoflower Concentrate, Mykos
Nutrients: Will receive foliar feeding with FOOP mist at lights off.
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Day 19 Muchacha Day 16: Forum Stomper + Strawberry Nuggets x Pink Panama
Afternoon Temp: 77°
Humidity: 63%
Light: FCE4800 18" @ 65%
Nutrients: 10ml/gal FOOP Veg 1&2+Sweetener

Some new yellowing on one of the bottom leaves of Muchacha #1. Also some discoloration on SNxPPs first leaves. All new growth looks healthy though. Anything I should be concerned about? Muchcha #2 has its first leaeves drooping to the ground, should I cut them? Gave them their second feeding with FOOP. Everything seems okay in general.

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