Outdoor Hittn HookaH All Summer Long



Whats Up Guys???

Finally figured it was time I got my summer grow thread started. It has been delayed for a month or so due to various reasons... But last week I said F the BS and got some beans soaking. Its been about a week since I planted them in party cups. Wasn't seeing any signs of life yesterday with ideal sprouting temps of mid 70s -80s F. Starting to question if I still had it haha... Well went out this morning and had a couple popping their heads out. Had to move them inside my shed today due to a storm coming through... Seems summer just will not start up this year.. On the menu for this run are some Lowasis, Jems, and ICU #2. I am trying some new soil this year. Last year I wasted a load of beans due to having shitty soil that ended up producing Stumpies... I got this stuff made by EB Stone that looks really good. Supposed to be 100% organic and there isn't any real big pieces of wood or anything in the soil. Looks very fine and soft. I added peralite to this as well. After these sprouts get a little bigger they will be going in my veggi garden to finish out. Here are a few pics from last years grow. Will get pics of the new sprouts in a few days.


2 Lowasis




Quick update on my grow before I head off to work today. Temps have been very nice since the one day storm we had blew out. I left the cups out to get a little rain water , then moved them indoors till it passed. So far I have about 8 sprouts going, a few of each strain have sprouted so that makes me feel good. Seems I may still have the growing touch ha... Temps are to be in the mid 70s all week. My veggi garden is also enjoying the weather and taking right off. Ill try to get some pics in the next few days, just dont have any time to do anything right now...
Wey Hey HHH...you have a Home Thread...just noticed it....YAY.....:booya:

Looking forward to it...

Speed & Safety for them....:thumbs:
This was a great thread back on IC!

Hope all goes well, karma sent mate.
yeah... I'll def havbe a chair for this one.. :)
Whats up Wiz, Bailer and JM. Might have spoke a little too soon on the sunny weather... Been raining for half the day... Left the little ones outside and am stuck at work. Hopefully doesnt affect them too much.
Well weather has deff been shitty the last week or so. Off and on downpours from thunder storms. Temps are way below normal for this time of year as well. Last year around this time it was 100 f. today it is barely over 70 f. ! Needless to say I think it is slowing down my sprouts. Hoping that they will push through it though. So far a few of each strain have sprouted. I've lost one Jem already that just shriveled up and died right after sprouting.. Yesterday i started digging in one of the cups that haven't sprouted, was pleasantly to find a nice fat ICU about to pop out ha. I think the cold weather is just slowing them down. Luckily it hasn't been cold enough to freeze or anything... Weather this year is just plain weird. I know a lot of outdoor reg strain growers that have plants already budding.. They just put them in the ground and plants are switching over. Anyways here's a pic of the youngn's

Temps are way below normal for this time of year as well. Last year around this time it was 100 f. today it is barely over 70 f. ! Needless to say I think it is slowing down my sprouts.
Exactly the same here Bro.
Normally we take the windows out by the end of May...
but it ain't happening this year.

I'm actually thinking of popping my germs into the lighted cupboard at night to give them a boost..
because all I'm getting ATM is low/light overcast.

Never mind..Hearts like Lions...they will get there as soon as the sun shines.
I think the cold weather is just slowing them down.
Yup...mine are growing...just incredibly Slow...
Is cus i moved to spain wiz, I bought the canucks weather with me..
Is cus i moved to spain wiz, I bought the canucks weather with me..

Maan..it was You stanko...
I knew someone was to blame...

it is so unseasonal....

you will have to move back if it doesn't sort itself out....me Girls are complaining....:D

I'll get you the name of me compo tomorrow..it is all wet and miserable on the patio ATM.

Love the avatar.

Wait til you see some of the bugs you get over here on your girls compared to the UK..
new set of bugs to learn...and you don't know who is a friend or an enemy...:no:..

the Girls Adore the weather though
