Indoor Himalaya Orange Diesel test thread

Well I chopped the 2 HOD down I did a super tight trim so I dont have to mess with it and because there wasnt a whole lot to trim. I ended up with 15g on the small one and 50g on the bigger stretched out girl. So it should end up around 18g cured. Which isnt a total loss even with my lack of taking care of the ladies. I am gonna run at least 1 on my next autoflower grow and baby the shit out of it to see what the high end of the yield, look and taste of the HOD.

Here is round two H.O.D. on day 38. She is only 15" tall. She has been outside for one week. This pheno is more stable than the last one. She hasn't shown any signs other a tiny touch of pm on a few bottom leaves. Since she has been outside, the pm is completely gone. The suns powerful UV rays killed it. She got a deep water of 20 cups on the 26th. She has loved that. These pictures were taken when it was 93 degrees outside.


This is more what I was expecting the first time.

Enjoy guys.
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Sorry about the lack of updates I've not had internet but here and there. I got the HOD hanging and can post pics tonight from a buddies....smell of orange and diesel is the strongest I've smelt yet! A SOG of these would kill a carbon filter lol
she was a winner! :dancer:I have a few hod seeds left.:yay:she is looking good in all the heat. same here the whole month of july hovered around ninety.:finger:.
just put a bikini on her.:cheers: