Indoor Himalaya Orange Diesel test thread

@SouthernGurl. that's one of those 50/ 50 questions. 50% say it work's 50% says it don't. I tried it twice over the year's, with before and after pic's, I did not see any change at all. and of coarse there will be those that swear by it.. to me it just adds more time before harvest. :cheers:
Do you notice a difference by putting them in the dark?
My first harvest is coming up and I don't know from first hand experience.
Thank you

Yes @SouthernGurl i do notice some swelling of the buds, some more than others. I have also noticed on some plants a huge amount of new white pistil growth.
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Is that one of the older, three watt models? they have a bigger case than the new ones. I have two of them and was thinking of doing the same thing.

I have the same kinda thing going on @The420smoker as in the 2 different types of phenos. I have 2 more seeds left I will be testing under my new DIY COB setup that will be inside of 1 of my Mars 300w cases. Im going with 1 5000k CXA2530 and 4 3000k CXA2530. If it works well Im going to convert all 3 of my Mars 300w which in theory would overpower my 3x4 tent lol. Going to set them up like this MS paint drawing.

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putting them in the dark does nothing. And plants trim easier if you water the night before and chop them after lights on and the leaves are rigid.

Do you notice a difference by putting them in the dark?
My first harvest is coming up and I don't know from first hand experience.
Thank you

Here is a handful of HOD. Total of 20 grams dry, smaller yield than usual for me. Really white with trichomes under a somewhat leafy structure. The smell is not very strong but it is definitely diesel. It's early but I don't like the taste. It's very chemmy/diesel. Usually I like that but it's kind of intrusive to my palette. The cure should help but this particular plant might not be the terpene profile my body likes. We will see. Zoom in on this...

HOD² is doing great. I think she is doing better than the first one. She is shorter so far but smells much stronger. She received 6 cups of tea on the 16th and is starting to explode in upward growth.

I would like to apologize. The second plant was chopped and whole plant hung. My wife and two children have been in Turkey since a week before the terrorist attack on the Istanbul airport. They are safe, but I have been too busy figuring out how to get them home safely. The coup attempt has not helped matters as there are no flights to the USA from Turkey. So again I am sorry I didn't document the trimmed second(shorter) plant. I also cannot convince her to leave asap. They have socialized medicine and she wants to get her teeth fixed for free before she comes home. So basically I am sitting on my hands and hoping they stay safe and get home safe. They are scheduled to fly home on August 20. Hopefully nothing more happens during the next few weeks that puts them in harms way.
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