Indoor Himalaya Orange Diesel test thread

I'll have updated pics in a few hours. Starting to smell good.

Little homie on day 57. Trichome production has ramped up, even with a bit of claw going on. She did not like that batch of bad tea but is still chugging along. Sharp diesel smell comes and goes throughout the day.


Random side flower shot.


Enjoy guys. :pass:

Little homie hit day 60 today. She is starting to fill out a little bit. Her smell is a sweet diesel with slight citrus. She is not the prettiest but is producing some decent trichomes.





2016-06-20 02.37.19.jpg

I went ahead and started to germinate another seed. This girl will go into a custom fabric container. Two 3 gallons sewn together, 15" tall x 10.5" wide. The fresh batch of super soil is ready as well. I will not fuck up her tea this time, I promise.:thumbsup::biggrin:

Enjoy guys.:pass:
I'll be updating tonight after work when I pull the girls out to feed. Ive been using 2L of water to get some drainage. They seem to like a heavy soak and my next autoflower run Im going to go back and look at my first autoflower journal and follow it to the T. Im not getting the results I know I can get and I really dont think its the smaller pots. Im not getting the huge root mass I use to get Im thinking its partly from the lack of blue spectrum in my mars 300 and using less water.
If you like the smell you should hopefully love the smoke.....that smell should be a taste of things to come:pass:
My apologies for being MIA. Had to take wife and children to New York to catch a plane to Turkey. Since being home alone I admit being a bit lazy. The ladies are starting to yellow up. I am starting the flush. The smell is rotten funk in the tent. The taller girl has been drooping for a couple weeks resembling overwatering. I even skipped a couple waterings and no changes came of it. The pot is quite heavy and won't dry up. This is only the one HOD plant. I planted 4 other brands with these ladies and they are fading as well, but no signs of the overwatering. Can't figure it out. Here's a couple of pics in total darkness.
I am in the process of ordering a skid of 1cu. ft. bags of No-till soil from First Amendment Soil Co. After I receive it I am going to plant the remaining 3 beans in it and log it here.