Indoor Himalaya Orange Diesel test thread

Day 5
All is well in the garden at Chez' Willie'. I'll try for another photo to post tonight. I watered again, just a wee bit, split a liter six ways. One of the babies is a bit small, may have a runt in the liter. Still looks great though.
Just a little update. I fed them yesterday. Along with these 2 HOD I have 4 other ladies started. Being a smaller group of plants I fed them with Neptunes Harvest Fish 1tsp/5liters water. Each lady got 150ml. The rest went to feed some photos I have going. I didn't want to waste what would be left over from mixing the Dutchpro grow. To make a smaller batch would be too complicated since I already use less than recommended.
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Day 5....
And the 3rd HOD bean didnt pop so I am going to do everything to the T on getting this next bean to take off. I went with a Northern Lights Auto ive had for a good bit that was a freebie with a seed order. If this one doesnt go Im scrapping the 6th one and tossing the soil cuz its got bad mojo in it or something jesus.

Here is my girl, doing great on day 8. She received 4 cups of well water today. Got most of the soil soaked. A big cousin of hers got kicked off the kiddie table for being too big so she'll get more light now. She'll love that.:woohoo1:




shit! :yoinks:I am down to a few grams of HOD.:sadcry:i have one seed left, but no room for a few weeks. :pass: then I will pop a HOD.:frog::cheers:
That's OK I'll wait right here!